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Future ARRSE - Xenforo
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Basic Guide / What's Different List #22

Closed HHH2 closed 10 years ago

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

I thought we should start a list of things to put into a post on the new forum and this would give users a heads up as to using the forum. Then nearer the time of launch this "List/Guide" can be refined. I've opened this to everyone so that you can add to it.

So for Starters, "Settings" are now "Preferences" To access your "Preferences" & "Profile" & "Log Out" put your cursor over your Username top right of Page. "PM's" are now called "Conversations" "Go Advanced" is now "More Options" "Subscribed Threads" are now "Watched Threads" (a pair of glasses appears to the far right of the thread title)

So you can add to this with screenshots as necessary.

Pebbles015 commented 10 years ago

Users will need to check their notification and email settings as there are new/different options.

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

Clicking on Users Name or Avatar will open a popup box to see details or to start a "Conversation"

Stealthferrets commented 10 years ago

Clicking time under last poster in right hand column take you to last post.

Good-CO commented 10 years ago

Great idea and would probably be best done as a wiki (ARRSEPedia) article which I can then link to. Any volunteers? :)

zarathustra123 commented 10 years ago

I'll work on the wiki article if you like

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

At Zarathustra, work away as I've no experience of wiki. Will we still post on here and you then move and sort?

Pebbles015 commented 10 years ago

I'm a wiki biff too (bar the odd edit) so count me out.

zarathustra123 commented 10 years ago

Sounds like a plan

zarathustra123 commented 10 years ago

I'll start a document on google docs before I post it onto a Wiki article so people can take a look and suggest things that need adding and/or changing

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

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Screenshot to go with this; To access your "Preferences" & "Profile" & "Log Out" put your cursor over your Username top right of Page

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

If there are no new Posts, to go to the last post "click on the time & date" under the user name of last poster & it will take you to it.

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HHH2 commented 10 years ago

To upload a picture from your computer select "Upload A File" (below the text box) then select your picture. Then you will have two options of how you want to insert your pic, 1. As a Thumbnail or 2. As Full Size.

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If you have a problem uploading try Un-ticking the "Use the Flash-based uploader to upload attachments" in your "Browsing Preferences"

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HHH2 commented 10 years ago

"Edit Thread Title" once you have created a thread if you need to you can edit it under "Thread Tools"

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HHH2 commented 10 years ago

If you have posted on a thread your Avatar will appear on the OP's avatar.

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jarrod248 commented 10 years ago

That file uploader I get file can't be bigger than 1mb

zarathustra123 commented 10 years ago

Turns out I'm not going to have time to work on this as it turns out looking for a job is a full time occupation. Can someone else take the lead?

Pebbles015 commented 10 years ago

I could do the write up but would have to get one of the wiki team to wiki-ise it. BuckFelize maybe?

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

To scroll quickly through a long thread, use the back or forward arrows to advance or reverse 5 pages at a time.

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HHH2 commented 10 years ago

I'll close this now as GoodCO has done an ARRSEPEDIA one now.