Good-CO / FAT

Future ARRSE - Xenforo
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Complete user groups setup #3

Closed Good-CO closed 10 years ago

Good-CO commented 10 years ago

User groups and forum permissions need to be checked and completed

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

Will that fix the snag of some senior members showing as new members?

Good-CO commented 10 years ago

No, that will come with ranks I think. This bug was more to do with permissions - so mods can see the mods' forum, 3RTR can see the 3RTR forum, Deceased and Banned can't see or do anything and so on.

This is actually all quite tricky as permissions are so complex and haven't imported well - both because of the slightly mixed way we've done things in VBulletin and because the importer has done unexpected things.

Good-CO commented 10 years ago

For Bad CO, and example of where it has gone wrong is that all moderators have been given individual rather than group permissions on the Bat Cave. I don't intend to fix those now as it may change on the next import. What I have done is fixed the overall permissions of usergroups back to no more than registered user in most cases. Another iteration of checks will be needed after the next and then final imports.

HHH2 commented 10 years ago

OK thanks

BadCO commented 10 years ago

I think the problem with moderator Bat Cave permissions probably relates to the fact that there are a couple of moderators who in the past didn't have access to the Bat Cave. Auld_Yin is probably the only one I can currently think of.

Good-CO commented 10 years ago

I found that if you add a user to the moderator group then don't get access to the Bat Cave. The importer seems to have done all mods individually, so if you look at Bat Cave permissions ('node permissions') you see them all listed out below.

I think we need to leave this until a later import with the "Big Board Importer" we just paid $150 for. It's not worth mucking around with user individual permissions until we've done that.

Pebbles015 commented 10 years ago

Is this down to the fact that you have local 'board moderators' as your mainstay staff rather than a set main group of global mods with a few lower level people looking after a particular section.

I had the same problem on smf. I had every mod i had was a global mod but when I took some on to run the sales and Competition section as mod for that only, setting up permissions was a nightmare.

It may be worth considering a rethink on the way moderators work on the new site rather than carbon copying from the old.

Admin Supermod Global mod Board mod Privalidged member (with access to hidden parts of the site, ala longdon bar)

BadCO commented 10 years ago

No, it is mainly because we didn't set up the permissions particularly well to start with and have also created a number of exceptions!