GoodCloud / django-zebra

Forms, widgets, template tags and examples that make Stripe + Django easier.
MIT License
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This project is dead #25

Closed jarcoal closed 10 years ago

jarcoal commented 11 years ago

It looks like this project is dead. I've tried to contact GoodCloud, but they have not responded to any emails / pull requests.

I have a fork over here that has a few small updates and removed some deprecated functionality that I don't anyone is still using. If anyone is interested I can submit that to PyPi and we can make it the new "master". If anyone else has a good fork, I'm all for using that instead.

Thoughts? GoodCloud are you there?

skoczen commented 11 years ago

Not quite dead :)

But admittedly slow. Typically, when pulls have come in, with tests, I've merged them pretty quickly. Life's been pretty crazy for me in the past few months, and GoodCloud's no longer paying the bills, so this has become a free-time-only project competing for a pretty small slice of time. Don't remember seeing any emails, but apologies just the same.

I'm definitely open to someone else picking up the reins and running, as I don't need this code day-to-day, and don't have time to keep it up. If you're interested in being that person, let me know, and why!

Thanks, Steven

jarcoal commented 11 years ago

Hi Steven,

Thanks for responding. Sorry about the delay, I've been in the process of launching a new service with the help of django-zebra (thank you!).

Knowing that you're around, I think it makes sense to keep this as the main repo, maybe just add some collaborators to manage pull requests / PyPi releases?

Best, Jared

skoczen commented 11 years ago


Yeah, completely up for adding some collabs. Are you interested in being one? Know of others?

To me, the more people we have (responsibly) hacking on the codebase, particularly those who are using it in production, the better!


jarcoal commented 10 years ago

Hey, I'm back :)

If you don't mind adding me as a collab on this I will try and help with some of these pull requests.

skoczen commented 10 years ago

You got it! Added you to the team, let me know if you run into any trouble.

Also, you're a Portlander as well? There should be beers sometime!


jarcoal commented 10 years ago

I am! On that note, a friend and I are organizing a Django meet-up tomorrow, you should drop by!

skoczen commented 10 years ago

Nice! Am booked later in the evening, but will try to get down for the start!

jarcoal commented 10 years ago

Great, look forward to seeing you!