GoodCloud / django-zebra

Forms, widgets, template tags and examples that make Stripe + Django easier.
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Order won't submit on Mobile Safari #36

Open BrendanBerkley opened 10 years ago

BrendanBerkley commented 10 years ago

This is a bigger problem than django-zebra, but I wanted to post this here anyways because I figured some better minds might be able to help work through the problem.

This question roughly mirrors the problem I've been having. We integrated Stripe and Zebra into our site. When I test submit on an iPad, it'll prompt to save the credit card. When you press any of the buttons, it breaks the submit process. The $("button[type=submit]").attr("disabled","disabled").html("Submitting..") line has been fired, so you can't click again, but the submit process never moves forward.

The most obvious answer would be to change the name of the credit card field to something that iOS wouldn't recognize; but overriding doesn't feel like a very good solution. Not sure if sidestepping the feature is a great solution anyways; ideally; we'd come up with something that detects the problem and addresses it directly. Not sure if there's a way to use JS to monitor the submit process to allow for a second submit in a situation like this?

I'll continue to research the problem on my own, but any help is appreciated! iOS is pretty big for mobile commerce these days, so I'm sure I'm not gonna be the only one who has this problem.