GoodDollar / Bounties

13 stars 3 forks source link

Fuse staking public good for UBI and profit #2

Open sirpy opened 3 years ago

sirpy commented 3 years ago

GoodDollar is a non-profit project, delivering digital basic income to tens of thousands of daily users in the form of the G$ token.

Currently the FuseStaking contract donates all earned rewards from staked Fuse. It uses the rewards to buyback G$s on Fuseswap and splits those G$s between the UBI Pool and a Community Pool

This bounty is about upgrading the FuseStaking contract with a feature that allows users to stake with G$ and also earn rewards pro-rata There's another bounty here to Add this functionality to the wallet

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bertux commented 2 years ago

I like this contracts part so I will look into by practicing locally.