GoodDollar / GoodCollective

Monorepo for GoodCollective (Segmented UBI and Direct Payments Pool)
MIT License
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Fix: use action label instead of description in Steward cards #141

Closed krisbitney closed 5 months ago

krisbitney commented 5 months ago


decentralauren commented 5 months ago

@krisbitney to confirm:

My understanding is that the Silvi contract does have this value, though I am not sure if any of the others displaying DO NOT in order for us to effectively test.

cc @L03TJ3 @patpedrosa @vldkhh to restest once redeployed!

krisbitney commented 5 months ago

@krisbitney to confirm:

  • If the contract HAS a value, that value will display (e.g. "Stewards are paid G$ each time they measure a tree's status"
  • If the contract DOES NOT HAVE a value, the default text will display: "Please see the smart contract for information regarding payment logic." (per this ticket)

My understanding is that the Silvi contract does have this value, though I am not sure if any of the others displaying DO NOT in order for us to effectively test.

cc @L03TJ3 @patpedrosa @vldkhh to restest once redeployed!

I added the property to the subgraph and named it infoLabel, but none of the collectives had it in their IPFS data.


Unless the IPFS data has changed, I don't think that value was present for any of the collectives.

Here is Silvia's IPFS hash so you can take a look: ipfs://bafkreiee57qwligphp7ficfcvgmzuagp2xv6w3s4mx4nanm6pc52tvxm4a/

decentralauren commented 5 months ago

@krisbitney thank you!

@L03TJ3 @sirpy should add to our to-dos to update IPFS in this case. Who should take this on?

L03TJ3 commented 5 months ago

@decentralauren whoever created the pool will be responsible one for keeping the pool attributes updates because the owner/creator of the pool is the only one able to update the contract to new data on ipfs

L03TJ3 commented 5 months ago

Confirmed this works, added infoLabel to new pool created image