GoodDollar / GoodCollective

Monorepo for GoodCollective (Segmented UBI and Direct Payments Pool)
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Stop Donation button displays after donation stream has ended #193

Open decentralauren opened 2 months ago

decentralauren commented 2 months ago


"Stop Donation" still displays after donation streaming is complete.

Wallet address - 0x7B1a84b6546C7F8fe95fa4E94E4FD1b2eB040165

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 7.55.35 AM.png


Screen state should return to "Donate" button after either streaming period is complete OR user cancels stream

decentralauren commented 2 months ago

@vldkhh can you check the streaming contract to confirm that this is in fact a bug and should display differently (IE that the stream is no longer open)?