GoodDollar / GoodCollective

Monorepo for GoodCollective (Segmented UBI and Direct Payments Pool)
MIT License
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Display active streams and stream info in My Profile page #194

Open decentralauren opened 2 months ago

decentralauren commented 2 months ago

Business Description

The current My Profile page does not have any information about streaming donations, such as whether or not the connected wallet has any streaming donations, for how long, or the value of those streams. This means that users have no idea whether or not they have active (or past) streams supporting specific collectives.

This ticket is to add updates that

  1. Display active streams on the My Profile page in the respective collective, including information about the stream (duration, date initiated, stream amount, frequency)
  2. Update the My Profile page so the user may cancel active streams directly from here
  3. Display past streams on the My Profile page in the respective collective, including information about the stream (duration, date initiated, date conclueded [if applicable], frequency, total amount donated).

Detailed Description of Functionality

Provide detailed step-by-step functionality, including visual aids, edge cases, and special considerations.

Technical Implementation

*Outline the technical approach for building the feature. This section is typically filled out by the development team or can contain suggestions. (dev team: @johnsmith-gooddollar @sirpy @L03TJ3)

Acceptance Criteria

Specify criteria that will be used to determine if the feature meets the requirements and functions correctly.