GoodDollar / GoodCollective

Monorepo for GoodCollective (Segmented UBI and Direct Payments Pool)
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duration for streams is confusing/misleading #213

Open sirpy opened 2 weeks ago

sirpy commented 2 weeks ago

The stream you create never ends, so if you have more G$s than the amount required for the "duration" you will still keep on donating G$s. Duration makes the user think that it is going to end at the end of the duration.

Better explanation or UI is required, also probably different for using G$ directly or using other currencies.

Maybe something like "donate for at least 12 months" and then tell user you dont have any G$s or you need to swap more tokens for the duration. And a notice that you need to actively cancel the subscription after the duration.

Maybe using the word subscription makes more sense

decentralauren commented 2 weeks ago

@sirpy ok - we had designed with a set duration in mind - so you're saying we should just have people select "Monthly" and have it donate indefinitely (or until they connect their wallet and cancel the stream)?

sirpy commented 1 week ago

That's how superfluid streams work. they are indefinite, until the user stops it or run out of funds

decentralauren commented 1 week ago

@sirpy we had originally set a duration because we needed to perform a swap for a certain amount of money - I believe that you had advised this as a solution. If streams are indefinite, how dow you suggest we handle the swaps?

sirpy commented 1 week ago

I wrote my suggestion in the issue. I just suggest to change the texts/explanations.

sirpy commented 3 days ago


decentralauren commented 11 hours ago

Working on this with Sana, will revert when ready.