GoodDollar / GoodCollective

Monorepo for GoodCollective (Segmented UBI and Direct Payments Pool)
MIT License
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[BUG] Swap failed to execute #96

Closed vldkhh closed 6 months ago

vldkhh commented 6 months ago


krisbitney commented 6 months ago

Could you tell me what the revert reason was? The Celo explorer doesn't tell me what the error is and i cannot view the images you shared on GitHub.

krisbitney commented 6 months ago

@sirpy I have noticed that sometimes transactions fail for a couple of reasons:

  1. estimateGas sometimes fails
  2. unknown on-chain exceptions

These failures can occur with any of the support functions, not just swaps.

For example, I attempted to use supportFlow with the following parameters I got an uninformative on-chain exception:

flowRate:  115740740740740 // 10 G$ for duration of 1 day
collective:  0xe31eb27dc0ec9207b7f114faff46bbb5c962ae0b
Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 8 24 14 PM
krisbitney commented 6 months ago

As far as I'm aware, those parameters are perfectly valid. It seems there may be an issue in the smart contracts, or maybe there are some validation rules I'm not aware of.

There could also be other reasons, such as network issues. I'm not sure!

vldkhh commented 6 months ago
