GoodDollar / GoodProtocolUI

UI for the GoodProtocol smart contracts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simple app to be embedded in wallets #455

Closed sirpy closed 7 months ago

sirpy commented 10 months ago
patpedrosa commented 8 months ago

@vldkhh @vldkh For the Opera integration, please make sure that you test throughly the verifying of new accounts and claim on Celo, specifically on Android, which is where MiniPay works.

patpedrosa commented 8 months ago

@L03TJ3 We'll need to feature flag the bottom nav bar (swap doesn't work on opera and they don't want to fix it now) & the walletchat widget (shouldn't be in simpleapp). Hide the continuation flow (swap cUSD)/Use G$.

vldkhh commented 8 months ago

@patpedrosa Do we want to keep the news feed in this app or remove it?

patpedrosa commented 8 months ago

My suggestion:

simple app general keep menu keep bottom nav show cards show feed (done) disable faucet (done) hide walletchat (done)

simple app minipay hide menu as swap/stake/etc not functional hide bottom nav as it links to swap, which is not functional (done) show cards show feed (done) disable faucet (done) hide walletchat (done) disable webview alert (done)

decentralauren commented 8 months ago

@sirpy Can we include the menu for the simple app minipay JUST for the T&C and privacy policy (disable swap and other things not functional)?

sirpy commented 8 months ago

@decentralauren @patpedrosa The reason for not having a menu is not a technical issue. It is for not confusing the user with options that they simply wont be able to use. you can decide on whatever product requirements you need for simpleapp.

What is simpleapp general vs simpleapp minipay, i'm not familiar with the concept of simpleapp general.

L03TJ3 commented 8 months ago

@sirpy simpleapp general is ment to be a version with all functionalities but connect (eg. mm browser etc)

sirpy commented 8 months ago

how is that different then plain gooddapp? do we have 3 version? gooddapp, simple general, simple mini?

L03TJ3 commented 8 months ago

Ye well, tbh, at this point the difference is the bottom nav bar.

I also have mistested as I thought mm was able to auto-connect like it works on minipay

The mistest was that I had my account already connected before

L03TJ3 commented 8 months ago

@decentralauren @patpedrosa we dmaybe do need a replacement of the TOS and privacy links. I don't think it makes sense showing the hamburger menu just for that (though there is also the language toggle, and social links there)

sirpy commented 8 months ago

@L03TJ3 simple simple simple, showing the hamgburger just for that will not change user experience one bit. perfection is the enemy of good.

patpedrosa commented 8 months ago

Info from @drptiago - No extra events will be needed to track Opera. To see the data, open GA, select GoodDapp, then add a comparison where Audience = Opera.