GoodDollar / GoodProtocolUI

UI for the GoodProtocol smart contracts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Buy G$" to redirect to Squid Router #521

Closed patpedrosa closed 5 months ago

patpedrosa commented 5 months ago

We want to have a menu item on GoodDapp called Buy G$ that redirects users to Squid Router. This is an external link, and, as such, needs to display the external link redirect notice.

Let's also track clicks on the menu item.

sirpy commented 5 months ago

why is buy G$ = squid router?

drptiago commented 5 months ago

The click on the “squid router” is already being tracked by Lewis.

L03TJ3 commented 5 months ago

@drptiago this is another one menu item where a click on 'Buy G$' redirects a user to squid router. it added the event: "buygd_squid" To track interest in buying of g$'s

L03TJ3 commented 5 months ago

added here:

vldkhh commented 5 months ago

verified on QA

vldkhh commented 5 months ago

verified on prod