In XnConvert or irfanView you can change resolutions of multiple images.
You can select how many pixels the longer side of a photo should have,
when resizing you want to sharpen slightly the images (MS Paint sharpens the images when making them smaller without asking),
(I use "Unsharp Mask" with values: Radius: 0.3, Amount: 40.0, Threshold: 0, when scaling images down, with the Lanczos algorithm. MS-Paint uses more aggressive filters but the results are decent)
you can choose the JPG quality (75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, any number - I usually choose 80%)
In Right Gallery, I can only choose the percentage size of multiple selected photos. How do I know how big the % should be to get, let's say, 2560px on the longer side?
And why can't I choose the JPG quality in the settings? In "Google Snapseed" I can choose between JPG 80%, JPG 95% and JPG 100% when saving edited images.
It's primarily a Gallery app, for viewing photos. For editing, there are only basic functions here.
There are specialized applications for quality editing.
In XnConvert or irfanView you can change resolutions of multiple images.
In Right Gallery, I can only choose the percentage size of multiple selected photos. How do I know how big the % should be to get, let's say, 2560px on the longer side? And why can't I choose the JPG quality in the settings? In "Google Snapseed" I can choose between JPG 80%, JPG 95% and JPG 100% when saving edited images.