Google-Developer-Student-Club-CCOEW / Android-2023-GDSC-CUMMINS-X-GDSC-MMCOE

Welcome to the Hacktoberfest Android Cohort for Cummins College and MMCOE students! To request issue assignment, create a pull request, providing: 1. Full Name 🧑‍🎓 2.Email 📧 3.College ID (RNO) 🔢 4.Branch of Study.📚 5. Year 📆 .The Cummins College and MMCOE students' PRs will be considered only. Thank you!
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Mini-Projects: Random Quote Generator #57

Open KrutikaKhandzode opened 11 months ago

KrutikaKhandzode commented 11 months ago

This Android app project is designed to create a Random Quote Generator that delivers inspiring and thought-provoking quotes to users. It's an ideal project for beginners interested in Android app development with Java.

Contribute to the following folder

eam52 commented 11 months ago

Hello! I would love to contribute. pass the project on to me!

dumaloo commented 11 months ago

Hello @eam52 there are some contribution guidelines please read that in the about section of this repository and provide us with details. Then this issue will be assigned to you.