Google-Developer-Student-Club-CCOEW / Competitive-Programming-2023-GDSC-CUMMINS-X-GDSC-MMCOE

Welcome to the Hacktoberfest 2023 Competitive-Programming Cohort for Cummins College and MMCOE students! To request issue assignment, create a pull request, providing: 1. Full Name 🧑‍🎓 2.Email 📧 3.College ID (RNO) 🔢 4.Branch of Study.📚 5. Year 📆 .The Cummins College and MMCOE students' PRs will be considered only. Thank you!
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Restaurant Customers #143

Open suryaprakashpandey opened 9 months ago

suryaprakashpandey commented 9 months ago

Write code in the preferred language and attach output with it.

You are given the arrival and leaving times of n customers in a restaurant.

What was the maximum number of customers in the restaurant at any time?

Input The first input line has an integer n: the number of customers.

After this, there are n lines that describe the customers. Each line has two integers a and b: the arrival and leaving times of a customer.

You may assume that all arrival and leaving times are distinct.

Output Print one integer: the maximum number of customers.


Input: 3 5 8 2 4 3 9 Output: 2

mercurrie commented 9 months ago

👋🏽 hi I'd like to take a crack at this problem. I didn't know how you specifically wanted me to submit the code, so I did it the usual way created a clone -> new branch -> file and submitted a pull request.

vaishnavim141003 commented 8 months ago

I would like to work on this issue using python language -Vaishnavi Mahajan. Cummins college of engineering.(SY) Can you please assign this issue to me .

vaishnavim141003 commented 8 months ago

issue resolved #143

On Sat, 21 Oct 2023 at 18:05, Piyusha2512 @.***> wrote:

Assigned #143 to @vaishnavim141003

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