Google-Developer-Student-Club-CCOEW / IOT-2023-GDSC-CUMMINS-X-GDSC-MMCOE

Welcome to the Hacktoberfest 2023 IOT Cohort for Cummins College and MMCOE students! To request issue assignment, create a pull request, providing: 1. Full Name 🧑‍🎓 2.Email 📧 3.College ID (RNO) 🔢 4.Branch of Study.📚 5. Year 📆 .The Cummins College and MMCOE students' PRs will be considered only. Thank you!
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Design a printed circuit board (PCB) and its electrical diagram (schematic) for a specialized hardware component that performs fast and efficient AES-128 encryption, specifically designed for lightweight and secure data protection on IoT devices. #4

Open AnishDhanork opened 11 months ago

AnishDhanork commented 11 months ago

Create both a printed circuit board (PCB) and its accompanying electrical schematic for a specialized hardware module optimized for rapid and efficient AES-128 encryption. This hardware module should be designed with a specific focus on lightweight and robust data security for IOT devices. The design process should encompass defining the hardware requirements, selecting appropriate components, and creating a compact, efficient PCB layout that integrates these components. The electrical schematic should illustrate the connections and functions of each component within the circuit, ensuring that data encryption operations are performed securely and at high speed.

Contribute to the following folder

-Design a printed circuit board

diakxa commented 11 months ago

📢 Announcement: Issue Assignment Starting Tomorrow

Dear contributors,

We're excited to kick off the assignment of issues for our project tomorrow. Your contributions are invaluable, and we appreciate your enthusiasm!

To ensure a smooth process, please make sure to follow the format and guidelines provided in the main repository description when submitting your requests. This helps us understand your contributions better and streamline the assignment process.

Thank you for your cooperation, and get ready to make a difference in our project!

Best regards, Team GDSC MMCOE & Cummins