GoogleChrome / accessibility-developer-tools

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aria-multiselectable=true reported as invalid on element with role=tablist #336

Closed gabrielps closed 7 years ago

gabrielps commented 7 years ago

Tested on Chrome 49.0.2623.110 Accessibility Developer Tools 2.10.9

[Severe] This element has an unsupported ARIA attribute (1)
See AX_ARIA_10 for more information.
<div id=​"accordion" class=​"panel-group " role=​"tablist" aria-multiselectable=​"true">​

AX_ARIA_10 says that "Many ARIA attributes (states and properties) can only be used on elements with particular roles". According to W3: aria-multiselectable is used in roles: grid, listbox, tablist, tree.

Cheers, and thanks for this cool software.

ricksbrown commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Duplicate of #289