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Large performance regression #841

Open paulirish opened 4 years ago

paulirish commented 4 years ago

I noticed chromestatus doesn't do so well in Lighthouse 6.0. Mostly because of poor scores for TBT and LCP.

Here's a complete LH report using the latest and greatest:

I've had chromestatus in some automated performance monitoring for a while (just by chance, tbh.) You can see there was a large regression in the lighthouse performance score on January 21st.


I took a look at a trace to see what's up. This trace was captured on my very new corp-issued imacpro (it's a fast machine). No throttling.

The key feature of the trace is a 1s long task for _enqueueUpdate which handles all the connectedCallbacks of the lit-html elements. image

I didn't dig in too deep here, but it looks like each <chromedash-feature> is taking ~2ms to render/commit. And ideally doing all of them would be split up into multiple tasks instead of 1 big one. That would drive down the TBT a lot.

The LCP is just late because there's a lot of JS to be done. If you rendered the first 10-20 features and yield to let the browser ship a frame, then LCP would probably be satisfied as the above-the-fold content is all painted.

paulirish commented 9 months ago

This big JS cost is on the old features page.

The new features page doesn't have this big JS cost. But the network request to /api/v0/features seems to take 3-5 seconds. Definite room for improvement there, since it's in the critical path.

jstenback commented 9 months ago

Thanks for filing this issue Paul, definitely room for improvement!