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web-otp documentation: referenced demo not working #5902

Closed sulyok-daniel closed 10 months ago

sulyok-daniel commented 1 year ago

In you link to a demo at .

The page suggests that sending an arbitary message is enough for the example to work, as long as it contains the given string in the last line:

Send an SMS that includes #12345 at the last line to this phone.

That is not correct - the information is missing, that the SMS must also contain the code once more above this line step 2 in states correctly ( partly true - the code above should be 12345 , not 123456 ):

Send your phone the following SMS text message from the another phone. Your OTP is: 123456. #12345

dstmarthe commented 10 months ago

Thanks for raising this. We’re moving to a new platform and so we’ll fix this over there. I’ve moved the issue to our new tracker and you can see it at: