GoogleChrome / ip-protection

Apache License 2.0
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Confirmation on first party real ip address #42

Open pinkygithub opened 5 months ago

pinkygithub commented 5 months ago

Our website captures user IP addresses for first-party data purposes. We utilize ZoomInfo/Clearbit IP enrichment APIs to gather company information based on these IPs.

Questions: IP Masking: Will there ever be an option to mask the captured first party IP addresses, or will we always receive the full, unmasked IP?

Company Enrichment: we are planning to use ZoomInfo or Clearbit for acquiring company details solely based on the captured IP addresses? This is alternative of Who Is. Could you please confirm if do you have any plan to add these in proxy list?

DavidSchinazi commented 5 months ago

IP Protection will only proxy some third-party traffic. If the requests that you use to collect this data are first-party, they will not be proxied. Note that first-party is defined as whether the request domain matches the domain in the URL bar of the browser.

sharpyfox commented 2 months ago

In this particular case I suppose it will be a third party call (request to the clearbit API which is another domsin, from your website page), so it will be proxied. Isn't it so?