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Fix WP Rocket SVG icon #90

Closed mostafa-hisham closed 1 year ago

mostafa-hisham commented 1 year ago

@connorjclark in Create WP Rocket PR you suggested this change to the SVG icon.

but now the logo is missing a part Stackpacks

and it should look like this image

I reverted to the old icon and replaced # with %23

but the tests are failing and the SVG suggestion from it is removing the same part from the logo

What do we need to change to avoid this?

Uploaded SVG Logo without gradients to avoid svg test issue

connorjclark commented 1 year ago

If you want to keep the gradient, you should be able to by just copying the optimized SVG that the test failure prints out. Did you see that, or did it not work?

mostafa-hisham commented 1 year ago

@connorjclark i tried it but it didn't work the gradient section was removed from the optimized svg

connorjclark commented 1 year ago

Ah, that is unexpected. Paste the SVG here and I'll add it back and change that test.

mostafa-hisham commented 1 year ago

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 294 524"><defs><linearGradient id="a" x1="36.742%" x2="37.116%" y1="100.518%" y2="-.001%"><stop offset="0%" stop-color="%23DD5F29"/><stop offset="26.042%" stop-color="%23F26B32"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="%23FAC932"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="b" x1="28.046%" x2="28.421%" y1="100.518%" y2="-.003%"><stop offset="0%" stop-color="%23DD5F29"/><stop offset="26.042%" stop-color="%23F26B32"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="%23FAC932"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="c" x1="38.215%" x2="38.589%" y1="100.518%" y2="0%"><stop offset="0%" stop-color="%23DD5F29"/><stop offset="26.042%" stop-color="%23F26B32"/><stop offset="100%" stop-color="%23FAC932"/></linearGradient></defs><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path fill="url(%23a)" d="M218.617 270.615c-9.752 0-18.896-5.689-23.366-14.63l-7.72-17.27h-76.6l-7.722 17.27c-4.47 8.941-13.613 14.63-23.366 14.63H75.78l32.712 249.306c1.625 4.671 4.673 4.671 6.502 0l32.51-79.648 28.242 79.442c1.625 4.676 4.673 4.676 6.501 0L220.04 270.82l-1.423-.204Z" transform="translate(-1.58 -.2)"/><path fill="url(%23b)" d="M184.47 231.784h-70.3l-10.77 24.179c-3.657 7.314-10.768 12.597-18.489 14.02L109.7 423.791c1.625 2.844 4.673 2.844 6.501 0l31.697-48.155 29.055 47.951c1.829 2.845 4.673 2.845 6.502 0l28.039-154.012c-6.908-2.032-13.004-6.908-16.255-13.613l-10.768-24.18Z" transform="translate(-1.58 -.2)"/><path fill="url(%23c)" d="m195.259 255.988-46.123-103.014-45.92 103.014c-1.625 3.048-3.656 5.69-6.095 7.925l19.1 102.2c1.015 1.423 3.657 1.83 5.485 0l25.601-33.931 25.602 33.728c1.625 2.032 4.47 1.626 5.485 0l21.131-103.42c-1.625-2.032-3.047-4.064-4.266-6.502Z" transform="translate(-1.58 -.2)"/><path fill="%23F56F46" d="M.439 12.559c-1.422-4.877 1.422-8.33 6.299-8.33H47.17c2.845 0 5.486 2.437 6.299 4.876l29.665 116.83h1.422l53.437-121.3c1.016-2.032 3.048-3.86 5.892-3.86h6.299c3.047 0 5.08 1.625 5.892 3.86l53.437 121.3h1.423L240.6 9.105c.61-2.439 3.454-4.877 6.299-4.877h40.433c4.877 0 7.518 3.454 6.299 8.33L228.41 244.188c-.61 2.845-3.454 4.876-6.298 4.876h-5.487c-2.438 0-4.876-1.625-5.892-3.86l-63.19-141.009h-1.015L83.744 245.203c-1.016 2.032-3.454 3.86-5.892 3.86h-5.486c-2.845 0-5.486-2.031-6.299-4.876L.44 12.559Z"/></g></svg>

mostafa-hisham commented 1 year ago

@connorjclark We still have a problem with wp-rocket logo here is a screenshot image as you can see the logo still missing a part it should look like this Logo

to test you can use this URL PageSpeed Insights

connorjclark commented 1 year ago

There hasn't been a release with these changes yet - it'll be in the next one, though.