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Getting a ? on mobile PageSpeed score #11385

Open no-liver opened 3 years ago

no-liver commented 3 years ago


Our site is getting a ? mobile PageSpeed score. This issue arised a few days ago. Currently unable to pinpoint the issue from the site side, is there any possibility to assist?

Please view site:


patrickhulce commented 3 years ago

Thanks for filing @rulloliver! I can reproduce this in PSI but no other environment. We'll have to look into it.

connorjclark commented 3 years ago


weird issue with the css protocol. attached JSON for the LHR/artifacts from LR for later analysis.


paulirish commented 3 years ago

perhaps related to

connorjclark commented 3 years ago

perhaps related to #10876

I don't think so. I think the root cause is whatever caused SPEEDINDEX_OF_ZERO, aka no screenshots, for some reason ... Nothing painted = whole page was too busy = no CSS parsed yet ???


many (but not all) have a NO_TTI or NO_LCP error too..

But this suggests it's not a PSI issue.

I can't get this to happen anymore with the provided URL. @rulloliver have you since changed the page in a significant way? Perhaps made it use less JS?

brendankenny commented 3 years ago

perhaps related to #10876

I don't think so. I think the root cause is whatever caused SPEEDINDEX_OF_ZERO

I believe I suggested that comment in the last bug bash. It was just based off the CSSUsage/"no style sheet with given id found" error in the screenshot.

Nothing painted = whole page was too busy = no CSS parsed yet ???

We only add a style sheet to be queried when the protocol indicates one has been added (CSS.styleSheetAdded), not on network records. I would assume it would only generate the event/id after it has something that can be queried?

Lots of interesting weird things about these artifacts, though (here's a live version of the report from them)

I'm not sure there's much for us to do here without a test case, though. It may just be there were enough errors in the site/PSI combo to not paint anything screenshottable but it was still enough to trigger the FCP/LCP thresholds.

no-liver commented 3 years ago

Issue resolved currently by itself but lasted for about a week. Haven't been able to replicate it since. Thank you for the feedback and help

connorjclark commented 2 years ago

One possible bug for us here: it's questionable whether SPEEDINDEX_OF_ZERO should use the "Chrome didn't collect any screenshots" string, because it did collect screenshots.

should we just check for undefined here, and allow for 0 to continue without error or throw a unique error for it?