GoogleChrome / lighthouse

Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
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Showing "lighthouse is warming up" forever #9484

Closed torfmaster closed 3 years ago

torfmaster commented 5 years ago

Maintainer's Note:

tl;dr - This happens when Chromium fails to fetch the Lighthouse code from the web. Check your network connectivity, ensure there are no proxies that would prevent you from downloading code from a Google server, and try again.

On Brave, you'll have to enable the Remote Debugging option under brave://settings/privacy (thx @bsclifton!)

Original Issue:

When running lighthouse on Chromium "75.0.3770.90" to audit it is showing the message "lightouse is warming up" forever. Since 2019-07-30. It used to worked in the very exact setup before. Probably, infrastructure to run lighthouse is unavailable.

davinderpalrehal commented 4 years ago

Disabled the ad blocker but still stuck on the Lighthouse is warming up screen.

OS: macOS Mojave v10.14.6 Chrome version: Version 81.0.4044.9 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)

Also tried in incognito mode

Is there anyone working on this thing?

digiltd commented 4 years ago

I also added to my whitelist in pihole which fixed it for me.

Though I was only getting stuck on the "warming up" message on certain sites. Typically Magento 2, Lighthouse audits were working on other sites, just not the ones I was working on :(

genehack commented 4 years ago

Whitelisting in my Pi-hole also fixed this problem for me.

The only thing I don't understand is why the CLI version of lighthouse would continue to work -- it must not depend on having that domain resolve?

(Thanks to everybody that continued to chip away at this!)

connorjclark commented 4 years ago is a service used by DevTools to serve "remote modules". These are files that are relatively large, so they are omitted from the default Chrome installation and only downloaded if DevTools is opened & requires it.

The only thing I don't understand is why the CLI version of lighthouse would continue to work -- it must not depend on having that domain resolve?

Correct, the CLI has no need to defer code. In this case, Lighthouse is bundled and served to DevTools as a remote module, so it gets downloaded lazily.

It's unfortunate that this endpoint found its way into an adblocker. AFAIU, there is no user tracking purpose done by this domain. It serves things like Lighthouse, and mobile device frames, and older versions of DevTools (for when you connect to a mobile device).

holysoles commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the help @xPaw that worked perfectly. I should have checked my pihole first but its a lesson learned!

xPaw commented 4 years ago

It's unfortunate that this endpoint found its way into an adblocker.

It was removed from the adaway list -

Devtools should be changed to display fetch errors when it's unable to fetch the code from that domain, so it doesn't just show "lighthouse is warming up".

jj-wd commented 4 years ago

While I'm happy that some of you found one root cause for this, I just wanted to mention that I'm not using any AdBlockers on any of the affected browsers or in my network and the issue is still appearing. It's not the biggest deal though, as one of the three Chrome based browsers I have installed (latest Chrome, Canary and Edge Beta) is always working while another randomly fails in doing an audit at the same time.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Chrome 80.0.3987.106, Windows 10.0.18363.657.

Deleting all navigation data (Ctrl + Shift + Del) doesn't change anything. Starting Chrome as an Administrator doesn't change anything. Starting Lighthouse on or a local basic index.html file either. Disconnecting my VPN doesn't change anything. There is even nothing unusual in the Task Manager (Chrome uses < 2 % CPU and < 300 MB RAM)

I tried to do a complete fresh install of Chrome :

I have no clue.

✔️ 🎉 EDIT :

In my case Lighthouse is actually blocked by my VPN ! Closing Chrome, then disconnecting the VPN, then starting Chrome allows Lighthouse to work like a charm ! Closing Chrome again, then connecting the VPN, then starting Chrome again blocks Lighthouse. So even if I have a working and lightning fast connection to anything on Internet using the VPN, then Lighthouse is blocked by the VPN anyways (Why ? I have no clue).

Edit 2 (not related to Lighthouse but maybe a clue) :

I can also say that this exact issue happens when I try to update Visual Studio Community 2019 from the Visual Studio Installer. If I am connected to the VPN then Visual Studio is unable to perform any update (spinner and error message). If I am not connected to the VPN the update is done flawlessly. So I think the "Visual Studio update servers" have the same configuration (or something like that) as the "Lighthouse servers", and block some network stuff (based on what, I don't know). Or my VPN allows absolutely everything on Internet except using Lighthouse and updating Visual Studio, which would be funny.

Edit 3 (further investigation) :

In fact, this is it ! I tried any possible configuration of this VPN to find out what's happening and I saw it had an "AntiTracker" option activated. This option "blocks ads, malicious websites and third-party trackers such as Google Analytics". So it's basically an ad blocker and it blocks Google and Microsoft servers/services. Disabling it allows me to use Lighthouse (and update Visual Studio) flawlessly ! :tada:

Finally : ad blocker (again)

Even in my case it was due to an ad blocker, but a quite "hidden" one, so :

Thanks for solving this issue on my machine, I was wondering what was happening for weeks, maybe months.

davinderpalrehal commented 4 years ago

Thanks @0xRaf , i disabled my VPN and my Adblocker and Lighthouse started working. It does suck that I need to disable VPN to actually get this to work.

baash05 commented 4 years ago

I just updated chrome to 81.0.4044.113 (Official Build) (64-bit) On Mac Book Pro

ghost commented 4 years ago

@baash05 Yes, big news, I just got a Lighthouse report in Chrome 81.0.4044.113 (Official Build) (64-bit), on Windows 10, with my VPN on, its "Anti-Tracker" on, and uBlock on !

buhichan commented 4 years ago

latest chrome, latest macos, no vpn, no ad-blocker, still get this issue. When lighthouse was not built in chrome devtool's audit panel, it worked so perfectly. Is it because lighthouse is trying to send data to google server while I'm living behind China Great Fire Wall? If so, is is possible to have an option of "offline mode"?

patrickhulce commented 4 years ago

Is it because lighthouse is trying to send data to google server while I'm living behind China Great Fire Wall?

Not sending data, but Lighthouse is not bundled with Chrome and needs to be downloaded. This message appears while Lighthouse is being downloaded, so if something is blocking the request like the great fire wall then that could certainly explain it.

avimehenwal commented 4 years ago

I got the same problem on Brave running on Ubuntu Linux focal, but seems to work fine on official google-chrome build 81.0. :earth_americas:

Might be an issue unrelated to chrome, still posting it here as 'General Information' as I see a couple of people mentioning Brave browser issue here. Just to confirm that lighthouse works for me on official google-chrome build 81 as of 29th april 2020 :date:

Version Details

> brave-browser --version
Brave Browser 

> lsb_release --all
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal

> google-chrome --version
Google Chrome 81.0.4044.129 
bsclifton commented 4 years ago

@avimehenwal to get this working on Brave, you'll have to enable the Remote Debugging option under brave://settings/privacy

avimehenwal commented 4 years ago

@bsclifton Excellent! That works for me :+1: Thankyou for the solution

xialvjun commented 4 years ago

Is it because lighthouse is trying to send data to google server while I'm living behind China Great Fire Wall?

Not sending data, but Lighthouse is not bundled with Chrome and needs to be downloaded. This message appears while Lighthouse is being downloaded, so if something is blocking the request like the great fire wall then that could certainly explain it.

But I have downloaded Lighthouse(I mean the audit tab rather than the extension). I have audit a page with VPN connected. Then I want to audit another page with VPN disconnected, it still shows "lighthouse is warming up" forever.

patrickhulce commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the details @xialvjun I can reproduce this behavior in Chrome Canary as well. We're looking into it.

lew-kni commented 4 years ago

@patrickhulce - is there any update on this? Getting the 'Lighthouse is warming up' issue on mac for the versions: Version 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) (64-bit) Version 84.0.4147.30 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

I'm testing from behind the great firewall which I've read on this thread that this may be an issue.

patrickhulce commented 4 years ago

I filed a Chromium bug for it

I'm personally running into this issue more frequently even without the great firewall blocking me, so I hope we may tackle it soon.

shawnlauzon commented 4 years ago

I was having this problem, but for me using Canary in Incognito mode worked, while Google Chrome in any mode and Canary in normal mode caused the forever Warming Up problem

Version 85.0.4166.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit)

fcFn commented 4 years ago

Lighthouse works in Edge and at the same time warming up forever in Chrome (though that only happens occasionally). Weird.

mariorodriguespt commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue on Ubuntu with the lastest chrome version.

Matt-Deacalion commented 4 years ago

Same problem on Arch Linux with Chromium and Chrome. No adblocking or pi-hole.


Chromium 84.0.4147.135 Google Chrome 80.0.3987.132

uname -rv:

5.8.1-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:50:43 +0000

fengerzh commented 4 years ago

Chrome 85 still have same problem. Mac OSX High Sierra, disable adblock, still cannot use, please.

TravelingTechGuy commented 4 years ago

👍 on adding to PiHole.

Brave Version 1.13.82 Chromium: 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Mavrick2020 commented 4 years ago

Doesn't work for me. Chrome: Google Chrome is up to date Version 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (32-bit) OS: Windows 10 Lighthouse:

TravelingTechGuy commented 4 years ago

@Mavrick2020 I think the root cause is (usually) tht this domain is unreachable by the browser you're running Lighthouse in.

Could you try opening a console window, and pinging that address? If you get a reply, there may be a different cause.

Mavrick2020 commented 4 years ago

@TravelingTechGuy the domain is reachable, I can browse desired pages. The ping is successful as well.

TravelingTechGuy commented 4 years ago

@Mavrick2020 I have nothing smart to add then. In my case, the domain was blocked. The tool definitely makes use of external resources. It could be that other domains are blocked. I suggest re-opening the issue once you verified nothing gets blocked by your FW/VPN/PiHole/AdBlocker etc.

mariorodriguespt commented 4 years ago

PiHole was blocking the domain, now it is working.

Mavrick2020 commented 4 years ago

Issue still persist at my end. @TravelingTechGuy I am using Windows 10. How do I check for blocker? Also, is there any log created?

lalosh commented 4 years ago

same issue on

chrome: Version 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) OS: kubuntu

updating chrome and disabling all extension and even trying chromium didn't work for me.

did anyone find a solution for this issue?

connorjclark commented 3 years ago

Should we put a note about PiHole/firewall/w.e. after x seconds of this message? Or link to a doc page ("Do this if using Brave", ... )

Ideally we'd notice when the remote module request was 500'd/400'd, whatever, but I'm not sure that happens here. Should check that first.

patrickhulce commented 3 years ago

Yeah an error timeout with a message about PiHole/firewall sounds great @connorjclark 👍

lmdcao commented 3 years ago

CloudReady / Chromium OS, with Chromium browser. Same issue.

simonwep commented 3 years ago

Same issue here with the dev version.... stable...

...and canary:

connorjclark commented 3 years ago

@Simonwep are you using any proxies like PiHole?

simonwep commented 3 years ago

@connorjclark Oh man, yeah I should have checked that - when disabling it it works. The error I get when I run it and PiHole is active is the following:


(Sorry the only time it crashed I made a screenshot, now it's working as the script is now probably cached). Why would pihole be an issue in this case? Aaaah you even mentioned it earlier in the chat god dammit, I'm so sorry 😅

connorjclark commented 3 years ago

No worries, thanks for verifying!

cc @adamraine looks like we do get an explicit error when a proxy blocks it. Not sure how to catch this from the Lighthouse status panel, though.

Lofesa commented 3 years ago

Same here. With Chrome Versión 87.0.4264.0 (Build oficial) canary (64 bits) it is warming for ever With Chrome Versión 85.0.4183.102 (Build oficial) (64 bits) it works. With Edge Versión 85.0.564.51 (Compilación oficial) (64 bits) it works. No firewall involved as far as I have tried disabling it. No matter if Chrome Canary is reinstalled.

simonwep commented 3 years ago

The domain which gets blocked is which is apparently part of this blocklist: image

It works if you add (exact domain is enough) to your whitelist.

Lovor01 commented 3 years ago

It does not work for me with Chrome developer Version 87.0.4263.3 (Official Build) dev (64-bit). no proxies, no add-blockers

patrickhulce commented 3 years ago

Lighthouse is currently broken in Canary (and Dev channel), but the DevTools team is working on a fix.

adamraine commented 3 years ago

Lighthouse is no longer a remote module in m87:

Alaa84kh commented 3 years ago

Disable these two options from chrome settings:

Relaunch chrome then try again

That works for me

Mavrick2020 commented 3 years ago

Disable these two options from chrome settings:

  • Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
  • Use hardware acceleration when available

Relaunch chrome then try again

That works for me

I did changes in the settings as mentioned. However, it didn't help. Still facing the same issue.

lmdcao commented 3 years ago

If it can help you, I could make it work with the Chrome extension

patrickhulce commented 3 years ago

As states, Lighthouse shouldn't show this message moving forward in Chrome once m87 hits stable (~early December 2020). In the meantime, you can use Chrome Canary if this is a limitation for your environment.

omidazm94 commented 3 years ago

Disable these two options from chrome settings:

  • Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
  • Use hardware acceleration when available

Relaunch chrome then try again

That works for me

that worked for me. thanks ((: