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Error installing fsevents dependency #95

Closed brianchirls closed 6 years ago

brianchirls commented 6 years ago

This package includes an old version of fsevents as an optional dependency. I'm unable to install that package on my version of OSX with the latest Node engine. It's not absolutely necessary, but it does screw things up. The issue I reference seems to be fixed with newer versions of fsevents. But it's an exact version match, so it won't upgrade automatically.

I can't figure out why this dependency is in here, since I don't see it referenced in any other code, unless it's vestigial and not really necessary.

Please upgrade the dependency version or remove it. Thank you.

hoch commented 6 years ago

I think it is a part of dependency chain of ESlint, which is required by GoogleChrome org. I will try to update the package info, but could you let me know your version of Node engine and OSX?

brianchirls commented 6 years ago

I'm running node v10.9.0 and OSX 10.13.6

I don't see it anywhere in the eslint dependency chain. It is in the chain for webpack, but I believe it should be a newer version.


hoch commented 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into it. I will have some time to tackle it in this week.