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Implement a module for highlighting related content #29

Open rachelandrew opened 2 years ago

rachelandrew commented 2 years ago

In I added some text linking to the new Learn PWA course.

It would be generally useful to have some kind of module we can add to relevant posts to cross-link to other useful stuff. I'm thinking of either a card below the navigation or something we can insert in a good place in the content. Given a lot of traffic comes to individual articles via search this would give us a way, for example, to signpost people to Learn PWA from each individual PWA article.

Content would be:

Ideally we could create these as data, so we can then just add the relevant module with a shortcode, rather than recreating it each time.

I'm creating this request on but it would also be useful on d.c.c.

jeffposnick commented 2 years ago

(I've moved this to the repo, given that it's a suggestion for a shortcode that would be shared between and d.c.c.)

matthiasrohmer commented 1 year ago

Starting with this for only ( due to ongoing design discussion about