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Establishing Transparency and Fairness Guidelines for Feature Visibility #277

Open jcscottiii opened 1 month ago

jcscottiii commented 1 month ago


As grows to encompass a wide range of browser feature implementations, situations may arise where we need to temporarily or permanently hide feature scores or features altogether. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as:

While these scenarios are understandable, it's crucial to handle them in a way that maintains trust, transparency, and fairness amongst browser vendors while also describing the actual state of the world to end-users. We want to invite open discussion on how to best achieve this.

Desired Goals

  1. Equitable Process: Establish clear, unbiased criteria for when and how to hide information.
  2. Transparency: Document all decisions regarding feature visibility, along with the rationale.
  3. Accountability: Create a mechanism for the community to raise concerns and suggest changes.
  4. User Information: Provide clear explanations for end-users when information is hidden, including links back to the relevant discussion.

Possible Solutions (Not Exhaustive)

These are just starting points. We encourage everyone to share their ideas, concerns, and suggestions to ensure we create a process that upholds the values of this project.

Call to Action

Please feel free to comment on this issue with your thoughts. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of this project and ensuring it is a trusted resource for everyone. Let's work together to build a truly transparent and equitable process!

Please voice your concerns as well, while adhering to the project's Code of Conduct.

This process can evolve over time as well, as we try things out.

foolip commented 1 month ago

Feedback from @meyerweb on Mastodon:

foolip commented 1 month ago

On "data anomalies", I think we'll need clear criteria for hiding scores, a few different common rationales, and perhaps links out to issues tracking fixing it.

Common rationales are insufficient coverage and widespread failures for reasons unrelated to the implementation quality.

meyerweb commented 1 month ago

As a followup on @foolip’s link to my toot (thanks, @foolip!) I think as long as rationales for absent scores are clear and consistent, you’ll be a lot further along.

I also believe there should be a lot more transparency on why a thing is listed at all when the supporting data doesn’t seem to be there. Example: is listed as a newly-available baseline even though one of the tracked browsers is passing 0% of tests. (A whole three tests, it is true.) How can this be considered baseline when it’s apparently not supported at all by a tracked browser? I mean, I can think of at least one scenario where that sort of thing might be defensible, but I have no idea if this is such a scenario, nor does anyone else.

Even beyond that, is listed as baseline when its scores are mostly in the 50s, and the highest score is just short of 75%. It also has 55 tests, of which only 20 are passed by all four tracked browsers, which is a 36.4% Interop score. Does that qualify as baseline? I personally wouldn’t think so, but if there were a list of the ways things can get on the list, that would help a lot.

And then, I found, which is “Widely available” baseline, with one browser passing 18% of tests? And then, which ranges from 37-56% in terms of passing tests, and would have an Interop score of 9.1%? These also seem strange to include.

(I know that scores aren’t always the basis of something being considered baseline, but because the scores are so prominent, the questions seem inevitable. This is especially the case since “Insufficient test coverage” is given as a reason to not list scores, even if inconsistently.)

foolip commented 1 month ago

As a start, I've added source comments explaining each case in We used the same reason for all of these for expedience, but we should make the distinction between a few different reasons:

@jcscottiii what do you think about always showing the ⓘ when we don't have a percentage to show, and to have more reasons? The existing "---" should be "no tests found" with an invitation to contribute to the mapping.

Reviewing the specific features @meyerweb mentioned: I reviewed the Safari failures and guessed that since it was implemented in Safari so long before other browsers, that the spec probably changed in some way and Safari's implementation doesn't match the current spec. But this needs to be verified, I've filed We'll need a subject matter expert to review this test suite. It's hard to tell if the failures are for cases that will affect web developers or not. My guess is that basic usage of the feature is fine, but that interoperability in the details isn't very good. This was on oversight on my part. The failures mostly look like minor pixel value differences. If we can't fix the tests we should hide this score for Safari specifically. I think WebVTT interop is somewhat bad, but you can use the basic feature. However, I see that I need to update this mapping to split WebVTT from WebVTT regions, since that contributes to the low score in at least Chrome and Edge.

foolip commented 1 month ago

For WebVTT I've filed and sent to hide the scores on This fits the "Widespread failures that we know to be for some reason other than the feature's implementation quality" reason I think.

foolip commented 1 month ago

Thinking about some guardrails for support status vs. test results:

This would be the general approach, but exceptions could still be made based on other documented principles.