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Crashes on Firefox Developer Edition with error: TypeError: can't access property "setAttribute", a is undefined #529

Closed PsyGik closed 3 years ago

PsyGik commented 3 years ago


Not sure if VisBug is supposed to trigger the React dev more error boundary.

PsyGik commented 3 years ago

works fine on Edge and Chrome, on the same local dev site

argyleink commented 3 years ago

interesting! do you have a url I can go try reproducing the error on? i've got FF dev edition and would love to set some breakpoints to see why a is undefined. from the error log there, looks like all you're doing in launching visbug and hovering around? does it repro in FF stable too?

PsyGik commented 3 years ago

sample ig

The error shows up on any site, keep the console open. (👆🏽 StackOverflow Homepage)

On dev mode, (at least on react projects), the error triggers the React Error boundary.

More details:

The error happens at:

class Ve extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    super (),
    this.$shadow = this.attachShadow({
      mode: 'closed'
  connectedCallback() {
    this.$shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [
  disconnectedCallback() {
  set position(e) {
    this.$shadow.innerHTML = this.render(e)
  set update({
    width: e,
    height: t,
    top: n,
    left: o
  }) {
    const {
      winHeight: r,
      winWidth: i
    = Be(),
    ] = this.$shadow.children,
    ] = s.children;
    this.$ = 'block',
    s.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${ i } ${ r }`),
    a.setAttribute('width', e + 'px'), 🐛
    a.setAttribute('x', o),
    a.setAttribute('y', n),
    l.setAttribute('x1', o),
    l.setAttribute('x2', o),
    c.setAttribute('x1', o + e),
    c.setAttribute('x2', o + e),
    d.setAttribute('y1', n + window.scrollY),
    d.setAttribute('y2', n + window.scrollY),
    d.setAttribute('x2', i),
    h.setAttribute('y1', n + window.scrollY + t),
    h.setAttribute('y2', n + window.scrollY + t),
    h.setAttribute('x2', i)
    x: e,
    y: t,
    width: n,
    height: o,
    top: r,
    left: i
  }) {
    const {
      winWidth: s,
      winHeight: a
    = Be(),
      offsetHeight: l
    = document.body,
    c = t + window.scrollY;
    return `
        viewBox="0 0 ${ s } ${ a }"
        version="1.1" xmlns=""
          width="${ n }" height="${ o }"
          x="${ e }" y="${ t }"
        <line x1="${ e }" y1="0" x2="${ e }" y2="${ l }"></line>
        <line x1="${ e + n }" y1="0" x2="${ e + n }" y2="${ l }"></line>
        <line x1="0" y1="${ c }" x2="${ s }" y2="${ c }"></line>
        <line x1="0" y1="${ c + o }" x2="${ s }" y2="${ c + o }"></line>
customElements.define('visbug-gridlines', Ve);
PsyGik commented 3 years ago


Happens on FF Stable as well.

argyleink commented 3 years ago

i see it, i got it. the bug is from destructuring children and assuming there's a certain node at an index, and the node is different in firefox because there's no constructible stylesheets. maybe if i can get the stylesheets to append instead of prepend, the bug will go away. or i can query the children instead of destructure them (the much safer route).

thanks for the report! it looks like it's the dashed guides that are struggling to update due to this bug. i'm on it!

argyleink commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2021-06-28 at 1 50 08 PM

will be live in FF soon! 👍🏻 ty for the bug report

PsyGik commented 3 years ago

Updated to the latest version. No more errors. Thanks for the quick fix!