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serveOrigin issues with webpack-dev-server #73

Open nklayman opened 5 years ago

nklayman commented 5 years ago

When loading an index.html that loads other scripts, they fail to load with the above error message.

Repro/instructions here:


pavelfeldman commented 5 years ago

Instead of

  if (isDevelopment) {
  } else {


  if (isDevelopment)

This is not the first report on this issue that I get, so I might need to use Env for debug instead of serveOrigin one...

pavelfeldman commented 5 years ago

Ah, wait, 0.9.20 already allows for serveOrigin to work on its own, with no serveFolder. This means your process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL is empty.

nklayman commented 5 years ago

The issue is that a trailing / in the url makes it fail. Works: http://localhost:8080 Fails: http://localhost:8080/

nklayman commented 5 years ago

I found a new cause for the issue

vladimir-shilin commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT with both http://localhost and http://localhost/ origins. To fix I've added args: ['--allow-insecure-localhost'] to carlo.launch parameters.

vladimir-shilin commented 5 years ago

Sorry, just noticed that I also have changed origin to https://localhost.

nklayman commented 5 years ago

Still doesn't work for me, even with --allow-insecure-localhost and using https.

vladimir-shilin commented 5 years ago

Are the app opening in browser by url https://localhost:port? I've change serve command in package.json to vue-cli-service serve --mode development --host localhost --https. In my case hot reloading didn't work, so i just made js-redirect to https://localhost:port I'm not using vue-cli-plugin-carlo, so I don't know what carlo:serve doing. Maybe you need to run both serve and carlo:serve

nklayman commented 5 years ago

I got it to work, just had to delete .carlosysinfo. I still get some errors in the console (but the app works):


Thanks for your help!

vladimir-shilin commented 5 years ago

Got the same errors with local ip. --host localhost fixed it

nklayman commented 5 years ago

that fixed it, thanks.

Janpot commented 5 years ago

Had to run create-react-app with HTTPS=true to make this work

BKcore commented 5 years ago

While using HTTPS is a viable workaround, it is definitely not great.

@pavelfeldman Any idea why create-react-app's live reload server (webpack) with carlo's serveOrigin would fail to load js files with an net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT error? This works fine when opened directly in Chrome.

msanchez-eutech commented 5 years ago

I confirm that we need https to load webpack dev server, i tried with a setup from scratch and the following were enough:

But as @BKcore I think it would be better to not have net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT error or an option to make it work without https

atabel commented 5 years ago

@BKcore, in case you're still interested, I've created a package to add simple carlo bindings to any create-react-app, it may work for you.

tomachinz commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to make an app that will fire up a web server for LAN users inside the firewall, so Id like to bind to It starts up and I can visit in my local browser, but not perhaps that server is not designed to be shared though due to it's linkage to Node and the security profile being kinda wide open.

Upon closer inspection, it seems the data is going through some cleansing data pipes! Is this what is helping to firewall me from my un-clean desires to open up this security hole? eg screenshot.

Also - am I using webpack dev server or should I be to get around this? To achieve my goal of a more public web server end result. I suppose one should be aware of the risks.

app = await carlo.launch(
            bgcolor: '#012345',
            title: 'AminoSee DNA Viewer',
            width: 1400,
            height: 600,
            channel: ['canary', 'stable'],
            icon: path.join(__dirname, 'public/512_icon.png'),
            args: process.env.DEV === 'true' ? ['--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs'] : [],
            userDataDir: path.join(__dirname, '.carlosysteminfo' ),
            localDataDir: path.join(__dirname, '/AminoSee_Output' ),

image Screenshot appears to show my web page being sent via this funky data-URL-encoding:

data:text/html,%0A <title>AminoSee%20DNA%20Viewer</title>%0A <style>html{background:%23012345;}</style>%0A <script>self.paramsForReuse = undefined;</script>

m4heshd commented 4 years ago

None of the above mentioned methods work. Still fails to load CSS and images.

longjiahui commented 4 years ago

after calling serveOrigin, browser get the right baseurl 'http://localhost:8080', but when loads assets (css, ico, etc) get the wrong baseurl '/'.