GoogleChromeLabs / first-input-delay

A JavaScript library for measuring First Input Delay (FID) in the browser.
Apache License 2.0
350 stars 63 forks source link

Cross browser testing? #12

Open samarpanda opened 5 years ago

samarpanda commented 5 years ago

Cross browser testing?

Does it make sense to add cross browser testing to this module? Maybe something using Saucelabs? I will be happy to make a pull request if this makes sense.

philipwalton commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if something like Sauce Labs is necessary for this small of a library, but I do think there'd be value in adding a webdriver or puppeteer test if you were interested in helping with that.

samarpanda commented 5 years ago

Saw few issues which were related to different browser around HighResolutionTimings / future click event timestamp etc especially for Safari. Anyways let me take a stab doing the puppeteer test, will add others is required later.

samarpanda commented 5 years ago

Here goes the WIP PR