GoogleChromeLabs / postcss-jit-props

A CSS custom property helper based on PostCSS. Supply a pool of variables and this plugin will add them to the stylesheet as they are used.
Apache License 2.0
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Modifying props during development doesn't update page #24

Closed djmtype closed 1 year ago

djmtype commented 1 year ago

Given the setup below, if I was to add/remove/change any css variables within props.css, those changes will not update during development. Unsure if this is a stipulation of this plugin. Tested with Astro 1.6 and PostCSS 8.4.18

  files: ['./src/styles/common/props.css'],
argyleink commented 1 year ago

yes, makes sense, i'm reading from a file and not watching it also..

feature request: watch files for changes and update var pool

romainmenke commented 1 year ago

Can be done with two changes :

The dependency messages communicate to a build tool (like postcss-cli) that that tool should watch certain files.

prepare should give you a blank slate each time the plugin is run.

This avoids issues where someone removes properties from the source but that not being reflected in the plugin state.

module.exports = (UserProps) => {
  const STATE = {}

  return {
    postcssPlugin: 'postcss-jit-props',
    async Once (node, {Rule, AtRule}) {


module.exports = (UserProps) => {
  return {
    postcssPlugin: 'postcss-jit-props',
    prepare() {
      const STATE = {}

      return {
        async Once (node, {Rule, AtRule}) {

I've noticed that switching to prepare can have unexpected side effects.

Some build tools run a single plugin instance in parallel against multiple source files. This creates subtle dependencies on the plugin having a specific state when processing specific files in a specific order.

Using prepare ensures that each file will have its own state when processed. Normally this would fix bugs, but in rare cases it can surface issues for users.

argyleink commented 1 year ago

fixed in v1.0.10