GoogleChromeLabs / selenium-assistant

A node module that helps using browsers with selenium
Apache License 2.0
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Support for simultaneous browser downloads #110

Closed jeffposnick closed 6 years ago

jeffposnick commented 6 years ago

See for context.

Sequential downloads via a series of await seleniumAssistant.downloadLocalBrowser() worked fine in the Travis CI environment, but making the downloads simultaneous via

const downloadPromises = [
  seleniumAssistant.downloadLocalBrowser('chrome', 'stable', expiration),
  seleniumAssistant.downloadLocalBrowser('chrome', 'beta', expiration),
  // ...
await Promise.all(downloadPromises);

led to what appears to be a failure getting Firefox properly unpackaged.

gauntface commented 6 years ago

This isn't actionable given no error was thrown and the API provided by selenium is the same. I've not seen this in any of the other numerous projects doing this.