GoogleChromeLabs / squoosh

Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
Apache License 2.0
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Electron app version #355

Closed alexkreidler closed 5 years ago

alexkreidler commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have an Electron app version of Squoosh to run natively.

Also, it would be nice to have the ability to work with multiple files (#301) in this native version.

I love Squoosh because it can convert between formats while showing the size and quality impact. I think it could be even more powerful as a native app with support for drag and drop, opening files, and a multi-file workflow. Keep it up!

BTW, if anyone knows another native app that can convert between and compress in multiple image formats, let me know.

jakearchibald commented 5 years ago

Why does it need to be an Electron app?

jakearchibald commented 5 years ago

Closing. Feel free to reopen with more info.

ronjouch commented 5 years ago

@jakearchibald I'm not the original poster, but I was looking for something like it too, so here's my input.

  1. I'd love an offline version of the tool. Currently I do my image crushing with a set of pngquant and guetzli/mozjpeg scripts. But (as you know), an interactive UI helps fine-tune parameters. The closest I know is GIMP/Photoshop's "export with preview" screen, but your UI is better.
  2. So I'd like to use Squoosh more, which is exactly that: a great UI to fine-tune parameters.
  3. But it feels weird to have to open a browser to do something fundamentally offline. Service workers would be better, as it could enable offline usage, but to me it still feels weird to do it in a browser.

→ I, too, would enjoy a non-browser, offline, version of Squoosh.

Now, there's nothing mandating Electron, but since all the cross-platform UI work is already done using web tech, Electron seems like a reasonable choice. Passersby may utter the usual Electron heaviness profanities, then they're welcome to rewrite it in $LIGHTWEIGHT_TECH_OF_CHOICE, but a heavy Electron app to me seems better than a non-existing one.

And then even later it could be packaged by distributions, and I could just sudo pacman -Syu squoosh to install the standalone app and use it 🙂.

→ Maybe this issue deserves to be re-opened and rename to something like: "Package as offline, non-browser application (probably Electron)".

At any rate, thanks for your work!