Closed hrasoa closed 7 years ago
Hi, I am building a react universal app, and on offline mode I have this issue:
As you can see the fallback is rendered (home page of posts listing) before the about page. I guess the time my scripts come.
Here is the swPrecache options I use:
{ cacheId:, dontCacheBustUrlsMatching: /./, dynamicUrlToDependencies: { '/': [resolve(__dirname, '../server/views/index.ejs')] }, navigateFallback: '/', staticFileGlobs: [ `${publicDir}/{bundle,vendor}.*.{js,css}` ], stripPrefix: publicDir, runtimeCaching: [{ urlPattern: /api/, handler: 'networkFirst' }] }
Fixed by creating a /shell template with a <div id="root">Loading...</div>
<div id="root">Loading...</div>
Hi, I am building a react universal app, and on
mode I have this issue:As you can see the fallback is rendered (home page of posts listing) before the about page. I guess the time my scripts come.
Here is the swPrecache options I use: