GoogleChromeLabs / web-push-codelab

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Unsubscribe Event does not remove subscription from browser settings #100

Open florianPopulaer opened 3 years ago

florianPopulaer commented 3 years ago

`const unsubscribe = async () => { let serviceWorker = await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;

    .then( (subscription) => {
    .then( (success) => {
        console.log(`unsubscribed successfully: ${success}`);
    .catch( (error) => {
        console.log(`error unsubscribing: ${error}`);


The function is hooked to an unsubscribe button. According to the console, the unsubscription worked fine. I can see the subscription object (to be deleted) and the success message "unsubscribed successfully". However, when I check in the Browser settings, the subscription ist still there and enabled. Is that expected behaviour? Or am I missing something?