GoogleChromeLabs / web-push-codelab

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Does not load the page #95

Open tomascheca opened 4 years ago

tomascheca commented 4 years ago

I can't generate my subscription keys because the redirect page doesn't loadI can't generate my subscription keys because the redirect page doesn't load.


eddietal2 commented 4 years ago

I am having the same issue. Currently, I am getting a 503 back. It seems that the service is unavailable at the moment.

Jethro74 commented 4 years ago

Any solutions? I've got the same issue. Sometimes 504 Gateway Timeout, and sometimes it says:

_failed to start application on

This is most likely because your project has a code error. Check your project logs, fix the error and try again._

I'm pretty sure there is no error in the code, as I have been following the instructions at step by step.

itsyusufahmed commented 4 years ago

Also looking for a solution. I've tried py-vapid for Python but it hasn't worked for me. What have you done instead?

itsyusufahmed commented 4 years ago

Found this website which generates VAPID keys and works like a charm:

asliwinski commented 3 years ago

You can also install web-push package and use the command line: web-push generate-vapid-keys

milanmeu commented 3 years ago

The app can be opened here (currently not working) and the source code is available here. The Glitch project owner is @gauntface. Only he can edit the original project. You can remix the app here so that you can work on your own copy.

The app cannot start due to an error in express. This can be solved by updating express with this command:

npm update express


  1. Remix the app here;
  2. In the lower left corner click on Tools and select Terminal;
  3. Run npm update express in the terminal;
  4. In the top left corner click on the sunglasses and select In a New Window;
  5. The app should now work. Good luck. 🎉

Terminal in Glitch Terminal in Glitch Terminal in Glitch Terminal in Glitch

gauntface commented 3 years ago

I just poked the project on glitch and it looks like it's working again.

I will try and move this to my own host at some point so that I don't hit this issue again in the future