GoogleChromeLabs / webpack-libs-optimizations

Using a library in your webpack project? Here’s how to optimize it
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Other misc tweaks to discuss #10

Open kurtextrem opened 6 years ago

kurtextrem commented 6 years ago

Pure Annotation This helps reducing the bundle size, however it could break your code. I'd say we should mention it. Plus: - this annotates classes. We can take it even further:

babel-plugin-closure-elimination - I haven't benched it, however it makes sense as it reduces function/obj allocation and small functions are also inlined easily. (probably makes the bundle bigger though)

Prepack / speaks for itself :)


iamakulov commented 6 years ago This helps to reduce the bundle size, however, it could break your code. I'd say we should mention it.

Basically, I believe, recommending this plugin puts the developers at too much risk for not that much gain. I won’t do this.

(The plugin might be useful for library authors, as it mentions in the README – but I think we target app developers here.)

Plus: - this annotates classes.

AFAIK Babel 7 does this annotation for classes too. Or is this a different one?

We can take it even further:

This sounds cool! There’re too few downloads though – I’m not sure it’s fully safe :–(

Have you used this in production (or heard of anyone using it)? - I haven't benched it, however it makes sense as it reduces function/obj allocation and small functions are also inlined easily. (probably makes the bundle bigger though)

Would love to see a benchmark here. Generally, I’d prefer bundle size to runtime performance: 1) The network is way-way slower than the processor 2) In this repo, we focus on bundle size / speaks for itself :)

The plugin is not compatible with webpack 4 :–(

As to Prepack – do you know how safe it is? Last time I checked, it wasn’t production-ready yet.

Cool thing! Probably out of scope for this repo though – as it doesn’t immediately make your bundle smaller.

kurtextrem commented 6 years ago

Basically, I believe, recommending this plugin puts the developers at too much risk for not that much gain. I won’t do this.

Sounds reasonable.

AFAIK Babel 7 does this annotation for classes too. Or is this a different one?

Do you have a source for that? I picked the code from a gist some when, don't know if that changed. Let's look it up :)

Have you used this in production (or heard of anyone using it)?

I use it in my Chrome extensions, but those are fairly easy to test and the target is Chrome only. So can't really tell you much. Just for the sake of completion, the plugin links to: and, which I might test next.

In this repo, we focus on bundle size

True, so we keep this plugin in this issue only :)

The plugin is not compatible with webpack 4 :–(

Yup, unfortunate :/

As to Prepack – do you know how safe it is? Last time I checked, it wasn’t production-ready yet.

I'm not sure. Some options definitely aren't. However, they also have great plans: We could ask on Twitter.

iamakulov commented 6 years ago

Do you have a source for that? I picked the code from a gist some when, don't know if that changed. Let's look it up :)

Just tested with @babel/core@7.0.0-beta.46 and @babel/preset-env@7.0.0-beta.46:


As to Prepack – do you know how safe it is? Last time I checked, it wasn’t production-ready yet.

I'm not sure. Some options definitely aren't.

Dan Abramov also mentions that Prepack can’t be just enabled like Babel or UglifyJS: So it seems like Prepack is not safe enough for mentioning it right now. In the future, when Prepack becomes more stable and gains more React-specific optimizations, we might mention it under the “React” section.

kurtextrem commented 6 years ago

I guess we should leave this open until we can mention Prepack - some experimentation friendly developers might also stumble over the other stuff in meanwhile :)

kurtextrem commented 6 years ago

Another thing to discuss:

It shaves off 7 kB (90 kB -> 83 kB) in my bundle. Worth to mention I'd say. What do you think @iamakulov?

iamakulov commented 6 years ago

Another thing to discuss:

That‘s an interesting plugin :)

Summing up: I think let’s wait for a couple of months until it stabilizes and gains popularity, and then we can add it into the article (or another place if we find it). Thanks for suggesting this!