Since gs://goog-dataproc-initialization-actions-us-east1/cloud-sql-proxy/ was updated at 2022-10-19T15:31:51Z, the initialization action has been consistently failing with this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.describe) argument INSTANCE: Must be specified.
Nothing about our Cloud SQL deployment or the configuration used in the workflow instantiation has changed. I was able to successfully instantiate a dataproc workflow at 2022-10-19T15:29:53.552171Z, but not since then.
The changes have been reverted. Can you confirm if you are still seeing this issue ? Also, will request that you make a copy of the init scripts as per documentation mentioned here
was updated at 2022-10-19T15:31:51Z, the initialization action has been consistently failing with this error:Nothing about our Cloud SQL deployment or the configuration used in the workflow instantiation has changed. I was able to successfully instantiate a dataproc workflow at 2022-10-19T15:29:53.552171Z, but not since then.