GoogleCloudPlatform / anthos-service-mesh-packages

Packaged configuration for setting up a Kubernetes cluster with Anthos Service Mesh features enabled
Apache License 2.0
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Anthos Service Mesh managed control plane kiali error #1556

Open abdidarmawan007 opened 9 months ago

abdidarmawan007 commented 9 months ago

hi im use GKE Anthos Service Mesh managed control, i try install kiali have error

Could not fetch health: Error while fetching app health: unable to proxy Istiod pods. Make sure your Kubernetes API server has access to the Istio control plane through 8080 port

kubectl -n istio-system get controlplanerevision NAME RECONCILED STALLED AGE asm-managed-stable True False 12m

gcloud container fleet mesh describe --project xxxx

locations/global/memberships/staging-abdi: servicemesh: controlPlaneManagement: details:

migasmoreno commented 8 months ago

I'm also having this exactly problem. Can you please help us ?

ericfgarcia-bc commented 1 month ago

Bump. We are seeing a similar issue.