GoogleCloudPlatform / appengine-plugins

A client Java library to manage App Engine Java applications for any project that performs App Engine Java application management. For example, the Maven, Gradle and Eclipse App Engine plugins, custom user tools, etc.
Apache License 2.0
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Infinite loop Vulnerability in commons-compress library version being used #1019

Closed sandeshjkhoros closed 2 months ago

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

The commons-compress library version that is being used (1.24.0) has a vulnerability as reported here: We want to use the library in our company but that has a transitive dependency on commons-compress, but due to the vulnerability we are not getting a go ahead from our infosec team. Would appreciate if the version of commons-compress is bumped up to 1.26.0

suztomo commented 3 months ago


suztomo commented 3 months ago will address it. Currently blocked by a CI failure.

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

Thank you for looking into this on priority !

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

@suztomo Once this change is merged, we will need to uptake the new version of appengine-plugins in and then use the new version of app-maven-plugin in Do I need to raise a separate request for those changes ?

suztomo commented 3 months ago

I've never used Where do you see libphonenumber using appengine-plugins? It's very unlikely a Java library has dependency on an appengine plugin.

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

I've never used Where do you see libphonenumber using appengine-plugins? It's very unlikely a Java library has dependency on an appengine plugin.

@suztomo It's a transitive dependency. libphonenumber has a dependency on app-maven-plugin which in turn has a dependency on appengine-plugins-core which is using the vulnerable version of commons-compress

suztomo commented 3 months ago

I need to learn more. Where do you see the transitive dependency? => app-maven-plugin does not appear there.

The repository does not have "app-maven-plugin":

suztomo@suztomo2:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'libphonenumber'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 60426, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1186/1186), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (587/587), done.
remote: Total 60426 (delta 521), reused 1064 (delta 471), pack-reused 59240
Receiving objects: 100% (60426/60426), 226.39 MiB | 34.27 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (34469/34469), done.
suztomo@suztomo2:~$ cd libphonenumber/
suztomo@suztomo2:~/libphonenumber$ grep -ir app-maven-plugin .
sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

Sorry, there was a typo Check this in libphonenumber pom.xml

suztomo commented 3 months ago

Can you give me the URL of the file you're looking at? does not have it.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 9 50 56 PM
sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

@suztomo Here is the file:

suztomo commented 3 months ago

Thank you. That’s a pom.xml for demonstration on how to use the libphonenumber. It’s irrelevant to the dependencies of libphonenumber.

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

Thank you. That’s a pom.xml for demonstration on how to use the libphonenumber. It’s irrelevant to the dependencies of libphonenumber.

Right, only the demo module has the dependency that leads to the vulnerable library down the dependency graph. We have added the following depedency in our project which pulls in the dependencies of the demo module as well.

suztomo commented 3 months ago

That dependency declaration of <artifactId>libphonenumber</artifactId> does not pull the demo module. You can confirm that via “mvn dependency:tree” and .

sandeshjkhoros commented 3 months ago

That dependency declaration of <artifactId>libphonenumber</artifactId> does not pull the demo module. You can confirm that via “mvn dependency:tree” and .

This is great news, thank you !