Closed kondurure closed 1 year ago
I see error config is available in the code (at least v0.69). Are you using v0.69?
yes, integrationcli version 0.69.1-beta date: 2023-05-03T00:17:05Z [commit: 6270099]
@srinandan , can you please help me on this errorCatcherConfigs issue
Can you please try v0.69? The beta version you are using was released in May. Since then there has been changes to the tool.
Still have the same issue with export with errorCatcherConfigs with [v0.69]
Thanks @srinandan. export is working as expected with errorCatcherConfigs but deployment failing with below error if error cache ID refer inside other integration tasks.
integrationcli version: v0.70.1-beta
ERROR: 2023/09/14 14:42:07 httpclient.go:129: error parsing response: unexpected end of JSON input Publish integration hl-shared-retry-failure-integration with version a55c3dbd-6203-4f50-8afa-5c6dc574629a { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Tasks in normal workflow can not be used as start error tasks for another normal task JavaScriptTask", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
Error: Bad Request - malformed request syntax: { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Tasks in normal workflow can not be used as start error tasks for another normal task JavaScriptTask", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
We have setup an Apigee Integration, with the use of Error Catcher. We found that the errorCatcherConfigs can't be exported via scaffold action. --------------------errorCatcherConfigs ------------- "errorCatcherConfigs": [{ "label": "Save PII error catcher", "errorCatcherNumber": "1", "startErrorTasks": [{ "taskId": "5" }], "position": { "x": 420, "y": -882 }, "errorCatcherId": "SavePii_errorCatcher" }],
Exported Apigee Integration via Apigee Console and it has errorCatcherConfigs , but integration deployment failing with below error (complaining missing errorCatcherConfigs).
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Task with name Build Retrieval payload does not have an incoming edge from either task or trigger. Please connect the task to another task or a trigger by hovering the cursor over the outgoing edge of another task/trigger and dragging the edge to this task.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
Error: Bad Request - malformed request syntax: { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Task with name Build Retrieval payload does not have an incoming edge from either task or trigger. Please connect the task to another task or a trigger by hovering the cursor over the outgoing edge of another task/trigger and dragging the edge to this task.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
scaffold command:
/home/runner/.integrationcli/bin/integrationcli integrations scaffold -n ${{ inputs.integration-name }} -s ${{ inputs.version }} -f ${{ inputs.version }}