GoogleCloudPlatform / bigquery-utils

Useful scripts, udfs, views, and other utilities for migration and data warehouse operations in BigQuery.
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Add a queries_grouped_by_session.sql script to the optimization/ scripts #422

Open danieldeleo opened 3 weeks ago

danieldeleo commented 3 weeks ago

DECLARE num_days_to_scan INT64 DEFAULT 30;

CREATE TEMP FUNCTION num_stages_with_perf_insights(query_info ANY TYPE) AS ( COALESCE(( SELECT SUM(IF(i.slot_contention, 1, 0) + IF(i.insufficient_shuffle_quota, 1, 0)) FROM UNNEST(query_info.performance_insights.stage_performance_standalone_insights) i), 0)

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE optimization_workshop.queries_grouped_by_labels AS SELECT session_info.session_id AS session_id, COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(start_time)) AS days_active, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT project_id IGNORE NULLS) AS project_ids, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT reservation_id IGNORE NULLS) AS reservation_ids, SUM(num_stages_with_perf_insights(query_info)) AS num_stages_with_perf_insights, COUNT(DISTINCT (project_id || ':us.' || job_id)) AS job_count, ARRAY_AGG( STRUCT( bqutil.fn.job_url(project_id || ':us.' || parent_job_id) AS parent_job_url, bqutil.fn.job_url(project_id || ':us.' || job_id) AS job_url ) ORDER BY total_slot_ms DESC LIMIT 10) AS top_10_job_urls, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT user_email) AS user_emails, SUM(total_bytes_processed) / POW(1024, 3) AS total_gigabytes_processed, AVG(total_bytes_processed) / POW(1024, 3) AS avg_gigabytes_processed, SUM(total_slot_ms) / (1000 60 60) AS total_slot_hours, SUM(total_slot_ms) / (1000 60 60) / COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(start_time)) AS avg_total_slot_hours_per_active_day, AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(end_time, start_time, SECOND) ) AS avg_job_duration_seconds, SUM(total_slot_ms / TIMESTAMP_DIFF(end_time, start_time, MILLISECOND)) AS total_slots, AVG(total_slot_ms / TIMESTAMP_DIFF(end_time, start_time, MILLISECOND)) AS avg_total_slots, FROM region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION WHERE DATE(creation_time) >= CURRENT_DATE - num_days_to_scan AND state = 'DONE' AND error_result IS NULL AND job_type = 'QUERY' AND statement_type != 'SCRIPT' AND user_email LIKE '' GROUP BY session_id;

danieldeleo commented 3 weeks ago

Currently session_info is not exposed via the JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION view. I've filed a bug internally for this. Once resolved, add this script