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Workstation SSH connection failed or timed out (Unexpected HTTP response status code 407) #3219

Open ovavadim opened 1 month ago

ovavadim commented 1 month ago


I use "Cloud Workstations" plugin for JetBrains Gateway (Windows 10).

My machine uses Proxy server. JetBrains Gateway is configured for this proxy, connection checking works successfully. Gateway also sees my Google workstation project and the workstation. But when I try to launch through Gateway, it says "Workstation SSH connection failed or timed out".

In the logs of Gateway it looks like: Caused by: Unexpected HTTP response status code 407 at at at

(see the log file attached)

A 407 status code means "Proxy Authentication Required". But JetBrains Gateway works well with my proxy. I guess, it's a problem of "Cloud Workstation" plugin.

How can I separately configure it for a correct work with my proxy, if it really doesn't inherit proxy settings from JetBrains Gateway?

Have a nice day!

Version Information

JetBrains Gateway version: 2024.1.2

Cloud Workstations plugin version: 24.3.1-api-version-231


ruomengz commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the detailed report! Looks like this might be related to the proxy settings, the http requests in the log are successful.

To help debugging:

  1. Could you please try to connect to your cloud workstation host using gcloud? By creating a tcp tunnel on WORKSTATION_PORT 22 , or SSH to your workstation host?
  2. Just to confirm, did you set up your proxy through JetBrains HTTP proxy settings panel?
ovavadim commented 1 month ago

@ruomengz, thanks for your answer!

When I run:

gcloud workstations ssh \
  --project=... \
  --cluster=... \
  --config=... \
  --region=... \

then I see gcloud workstations ssh And PuTTY is being open and it's forever empty (black screen only).

When I run gcloud workstations start-tcp-tunnel --project=... --region=... --cluster=... --config=... w-... 22 then I see gcloud workstations start-tcp-tunnel and this "Listening" lasts forever.

This is how I set up the proxy: Proxy

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @ovavadim , sorry for the late reply.

Looks like you are able to create the tcp tunnel from gcloud, while we are trying to reproduce the proxy issue, can you try this workaround?

  1. Start TCP tunnel using gcloud
    gcloud workstations start-tcp-tunnel --project=... --region=... --cluster=... --config=... w-... 22  --local-host-port=:${local_port_number}
  2. Connect to the localhost using JetBrains Gateway native SSH support. Use user as Username. image

Another question, do you also configure your proxy on Windows system?

ovavadim commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, @ruomengz

Well, firstly I do this: gcloud workstations start-tcp-tunnel --project=cc-... --region=europe-west3 --cluster=... --config=... w-...-... 22 --local-host-port=localhost:22222

Then I see there "Listening on port [22222]".

Then I go to JetBrains Gateway to SSH connection, I do this:

Gateway SSH

Then I click "Check Connection and Continue" and I see "Checking connection..." label, which never disappears.

At this moment I see in CMD: 11001

So, the same problem as I showed in previous message in SSH.

About configuring the proxy on Windows: WinProxySettings

As you can see, it's configured in control panel by the employer.

So, what should I do?

Have a nice day! Vadim.

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @ovavadim! Could you try to set up your proxy for gcloud following proxy configuration? And could you confirm that other gcloud workstations commands like list or start run successfully?

Sorry for the-back-and-forth, it is hard for us to reproduce the issue with proxy setup.

ovavadim commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, @ruomengz!

Well, I've tested before proxy configuring:

H:\>gcloud workstations start --project=... --region=... --cluster=... --config=... w-...-....
Starting workstation: [w-ga2onuf-lycp9f5t]
Waiting for operation [projects/.../locations/.../operations/operation-1723732900353-61fb9d7369659-d8faf47c-c179c45b] to complete
Started workstation [w-...-...].

Then this:

H:\>gcloud workstations list --project=...
ERROR: (gcloud.workstations.list) PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'workstations.workstations.list' denied on 'projects/.../locations/-/workstationClusters/-/workstationConfigs/-/workstations'. This command is authenticated as ...(username)... which is the active account specified by the [core/account] property

Then I configured proxy using gcloud config.

Then I tries the command gcloud workstations start ... again and it still work similarly.

Then I've tried again ssh:

gcloud workstations ssh --project=... --cluster=... --config=... --region=... w-...

Picking local unused port [61449].
Listening on port [61449].
ERROR: Error connecting to workstation: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed

So, the same SSH problem, as it was before proxy configuring. I think, gcloud workstations start doesn't use SSH.

Anyway, what does this [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed mean?

Have a nice day and thank you! Vadim

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for testing, looks like gcloud has the same behavior as the IDE does for creating the TCP tunnel. Is it possible that your proxy server does not support websockets properly? Are you able to connect without a proxy?

ovavadim commented 3 weeks ago

@ruomengz Well, I see, that proxy configuring via gcloud config doesn't influence. But windows proxy is impossible to turn off (company rules), it will be always turned on, so I can't check the behaviour without proxy server.

Could you, maybe, specify, what exactly [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed means? What exactly does our proxy not support properly (I mean, which port, which operation etc). Probably something is simply blocked within a company, but then I need to know, what, in your opinion, is exactly blocked in order to cause this error?

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

I found a similar issue (updated link). Would you be able to try some workarounds in that issue?

ovavadim commented 3 weeks ago

@ruomengz I'm sorry, but I don't have access there, so I can't open and see, what is inside.

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

So sorry about that, here is the updated link.

ovavadim commented 3 weeks ago

@ruomengz Thank you for the links :)

Now I did the workarounds, see the data below.


H:\>gcloud info --run-diagnostics
Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done.
Reachability Check passed.
Network diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).

Property diagnostic detects issues that may be caused by properties.
Checking hidden properties...done.
Hidden Property Check passed.
Property diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).


gcloud workstations ssh --project=... --cluster=... --config=... --region=... w... --local-host-port=localhost:22222 --verbosity=debug
DEBUG: Running [gcloud.workstations.ssh] with arguments: [--cluster: "...", --config: "...", --local-host-port: "<googlecloudsdk.calliope.arg_parsers.HostPort object at 0x000002771D109490>", --project: "...", --region: "...", --verbosity: "debug", WORKSTATION: "w-..."]
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /v1/projects/.../locations/.../workstationClusters/.../workstationConfigs/...?alt=json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /v1/projects/.../locations/.../workstationClusters/.../workstationConfigs/.../workstations/w-...?alt=json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "POST /v1/projects/.../locations/.../workstationClusters/.../workstationConfigs/.../workstations/w-...:generateAccessToken?alt=json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Listening on port [22222].
DEBUG: Running command [C:\Apps\google-cloud-sdk\bin\sdk\putty.exe -t -P 22222 user@localhost].
DEBUG: Executing command: ['C:\\Apps\\google-cloud-sdk\\bin\\sdk\\putty.exe', '-t', '-P', '22222', 'user@localhost']
ERROR: Error connecting to workstation: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed

Well, all the links say the same: the application can't resolve the IP address of the host. So, I have a question: which address (DNS name) exactly can't be resolved?

Then I used nslookup command and that's what I see:

Server:  (corporative dns server name)
Address:  ...

*** (corporative dns server name) can't find Non-existent domain

Server:  (corporative dns server name)
Address:  ...

*** (corporative dns server name) can't find Non-existent domain

Server:  (corporative dns server name)
Address:  ...

*** (corporative dns server name) can't find Non-existent domain

Server:  (corporative dns server name)
Address:  ...

*** (corporative dns server name) can't find Non-existent domain

But maybe it tries to resolve another DNS name, which is not in the list of these four?

ruomengz commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the debugging logs, @ovavadim ! The team is aware of the issue and still investigating.

ovavadim commented 2 weeks ago

@ruomengz, hello!

I have an update here: slashVSno_slash-git The slash sign in the end really matters.

Hope, this can help to understand the problem. Anyway, deleting the last slash signs in JetBrains Gateway API overriding (Settings -> Tools -> Cloud workstations - > Advanced) didn't help.