googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client (googleapis)
### [`v131.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **serviceconsumermanagement:** This release has breaking changes.
- **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8429e3c](
- **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([6d52abb](
- **customsearch:** update the API ([1169e4c](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([4b1e073](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([45b61b5](
- **oslogin:** update the API ([cfc90e7](
- **playintegrity:** update the API ([767af5f](
- regenerate index files ([4246fd1](
- **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([a68206a](
##### Bug Fixes
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([845c716](
- **admin:** update the API ([4664d6b](
- **backupdr:** update the API ([19b0192](
- **calendar:** update the API ([0ca9bbc](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([31158a2](
- **cloudidentity:** update the API ([22610b3](
- **cloudprofiler:** update the API ([2c5cbc4](
- **cloudtrace:** update the API ([2a811d5](
- **iap:** update the API ([ec596c1](
- **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([7181840](
- **servicenetworking:** update the API ([50c7dbd](
- **spanner:** update the API ([0e40d67](
### [`v130.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **networksecurity:** This release has breaking changes.
- **metastore:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gmail:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes.
- **drivelabels:** This release has breaking changes.
- **dialogflow:** This release has breaking changes.
- **datacatalog:** This release has breaking changes.
- **content:** This release has breaking changes.
- **connectors:** This release has breaking changes.
- **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes.
- **chat:** This release has breaking changes.
- **batch:** This release has breaking changes.
- **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes.
- **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes.
- **advisorynotifications:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([26d496e](
- **adexchangebuyer2:** update the API ([31c0066](
- **admin:** update the API ([79ce913](
- **advisorynotifications:** update the API ([0f44091](
- **aiplatform:** update the API ([66739ce](
- **alloydb:** update the API ([590f835](
- **analyticsdata:** update the API ([25d0b67](
- **analyticshub:** update the API ([8279edf](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c6d69a0](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([6fda22c](
- **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([41debeb](
- **backupdr:** update the API ([1018945](
- **batch:** update the API ([9ef21e0](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([f1deeab](
- **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([07ac2e7](
- **chat:** update the API ([88428f0](
- **checks:** update the API ([2d78a72](
- **cloudbilling:** update the API ([857a51e](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([ddf4c10](
- **cloudchannel:** update the API ([aecac6b](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([62d7fd6](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([c5aae9a](
- **cloudprofiler:** update the API ([2933bff](
- **cloudsupport:** update the API ([feb88b5](
- **composer:** update the API ([53b83d6](
- **compute:** update the API ([ffbf00b](
- **connectors:** update the API ([f433bd6](
- **container:** update the API ([cac432f](
- **content:** update the API ([c0dd4c0](
- **datacatalog:** update the API ([a939d7e](
- **dataflow:** update the API ([9721cda](
- **dataform:** update the API ([d2bfeab](
- **datafusion:** update the API ([413c94e](
- **dataplex:** update the API ([8da4b12](
- **dataproc:** update the API ([5a60626](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([8829da4](
- **discoveryengine:** update the API ([567c02d](
- **dlp:** update the API ([7cbdc6a](
- **dns:** update the API ([f783244](
- **documentai:** update the API ([01cc7b5](
- **drivelabels:** update the API ([50a1b75](
- **drive:** update the API ([c07f193](
- **file:** update the API ([324d0f6](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([c8fb050](
- **firebaserules:** update the API ([2a44570](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([044e086](
- **gkeonprem:** update the API ([6c9398e](
- **gmail:** update the API ([c7698bd](
- **healthcare:** update the API ([d34ee61](
- **metastore:** update the API ([6887f67](
- **migrationcenter:** update the API ([e890439](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([738848d](
- **networkmanagement:** update the API ([d8a3556](
- **networksecurity:** update the API ([166232f](
- **networkservices:** update the API ([076de17](
- **notebooks:** update the API ([a08d104](
- **orgpolicy:** update the API ([5c8f8c7](
- **oslogin:** update the API ([f1475c5](
- **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([d79cf5a](
- **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([6ef5718](
- **policysimulator:** update the API ([58e6545](
- **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([99b92fe](
- **pubsub:** update the API ([f17fac3](
- **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([7952baa](
- **recommender:** update the API ([76b9501](
- **redis:** update the API ([fd4636b](
- regenerate index files ([33f2d78](
- **retail:** update the API ([0aa095b](
- **run:** update the API ([48a19bf](
- **sasportal:** update the API ([2459cce](
- **script:** update the API ([0520e5e](
- **securitycenter:** update the API ([74c634a](
- **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([0552119](
- **servicemanagement:** update the API ([429940b](
- **servicenetworking:** update the API ([42a1422](
- **serviceusage:** update the API ([c2ad070](
- **storage:** update the API ([c0609c9](
- **translate:** update the API ([77a0522](
- **vault:** update the API ([db163fd](
- **vision:** update the API ([77a0a91](
- **vpcaccess:** update the API ([8db5275](
- **workloadmanager:** update the API ([4c49597](
- **workstations:** update the API ([174cd20](
##### Bug Fixes
- **accessapproval:** update the API ([227915d](
- **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([b858170](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([35f8862](
- **apphub:** update the API ([e5a7c92](
- **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([7f20317](
- **calendar:** update the API ([e6ba462](
- **chromepolicy:** update the API ([a5a5351](
- **classroom:** update the API ([9d2ed12](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([20a91d5](
- **cloudidentity:** update the API ([5155e11](
- **cloudkms:** update the API ([90bab2c](
- **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([2c7b902](
- **cloudtasks:** update the API ([a8d66db](
- **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([828c5d3](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([56a65a8](
- **deploymentmanager:** update the API ([b48abef](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([299cf97](
- **firebaseappdistribution:** update the API ([b102fcc](
- **gkebackup:** update the API ([30ca612](
- **iam:** update the API ([4e12124](
- **iap:** update the API ([65c644e](
- **language:** update the API ([77252e1](
- **logging:** update the API ([1b4dc67](
- **mybusinessbusinessinformation:** update the API ([5e4c0fe](
- **places:** update the API ([6bbdf72](
- **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([ad18f3b](
- **privateca:** update the API ([b230959](
- **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([0dfe961](
- **secretmanager:** update the API ([a202268](
- **servicedirectory:** update the API ([ddc06a2](
- **sourcerepo:** update the API ([1965102](
- **spanner:** update the API ([ce99980](
- **sqladmin:** update the API ([de59e8d](
- **storagetransfer:** update the API ([d6081de](
- **videointelligence:** update the API ([9d377f5](
- **vmmigration:** update the API ([68a1d5f](
- **walletobjects:** update the API ([920ddc7](
- **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([6553987](
### [`v129.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **testing:** This release has breaking changes.
- **sasportal:** This release has breaking changes.
- **prod_tt_sasportal:** This release has breaking changes.
- **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes.
- **places:** This release has breaking changes.
- **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes.
- **mybusinesslodging:** This release has breaking changes.
- **identitytoolkit:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gkeonprem:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes.
- **documentai:** This release has breaking changes.
- **datastream:** This release has breaking changes.
- **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes.
- **compute:** This release has breaking changes.
- **bigtableadmin:** This release has breaking changes.
- **beyondcorp:** This release has breaking changes.
- **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- **sqladmin:** This release has breaking changes.
- **monitoring:** This release has breaking changes.
- **compute:** This release has breaking changes.
- **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **accessapproval:** update the API ([6707adf](
- **admin:** update the API ([c484af2](
- **admob:** update the API ([85a30b8](
- **aiplatform:** update the API ([e8bc0fc](
- **alloydb:** update the API ([9d9e14d](
- **alloydb:** update the API ([64fe305](
- **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([134dc22](
- **analyticsdata:** update the API ([a4be20b](
- **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([d6c01fb](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c553ef1](
- **appengine:** update the API ([8308a3e](
- **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([8596cf4](
- **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([307e972](
- **backupdr:** update the API ([93d43c1](
- **batch:** update the API ([049653c](
- **beyondcorp:** update the API ([041e014](
- **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([2689b8b](
- **billingbudgets:** update the API ([a83496f](
- **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([58c2f27](
- **calendar:** update the API ([1678bfc](
- **chromemanagement:** update the API ([1414b5c](
- **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([7516e23](
- **cloudbilling:** update the API ([f90c297](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([547e115](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([b537726](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([8523b8e](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([08c66db](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([7b11fee](
- **cloudtasks:** update the API ([fa52790](
- **compute:** update the API ([ff34fa6](
- **compute:** update the API ([dcaa0c0](
- **connectors:** update the API ([863f64f](
- **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([8a9ad40](
- **container:** update the API ([4ea00b4](
- **content:** update the API ([9330380](
- **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([0f7b040](
- **dataflow:** update the API ([2f7ff38](
- **dataform:** update the API ([4af6170](
- **datafusion:** update the API ([409ff96](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([c590116](
- **dataplex:** update the API ([e44128d](
- **dataproc:** update the API ([9ab8a14](
- **datastream:** update the API ([79e2484](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([4c4d968](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([5ad2704](
- **discoveryengine:** update the API ([914320d](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([d57965b](
- **dlp:** update the API ([029d391](
- **documentai:** update the API ([26935fe](
- **domains:** update the API ([057bd85](
- **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([0e42b21](
- **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([4c400b6](
- **firestore:** update the API ([1068dd8](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([473e4e0](
- **gkeonprem:** update the API ([f47bbad](
- **gmail:** update the API ([1fe47cf](
- **healthcare:** update the API ([1abe817](
- **iam:** update the API ([39e347f](
- **identitytoolkit:** update the API ([4ee26fb](
- **logging:** update the API ([7df359a](
- **manufacturers:** update the API ([a39d751](
- **metastore:** update the API ([1a19ff2](
- **migrationcenter:** update the API ([57ae0b7](
- **migrationcenter:** update the API ([51cc57b](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([905f3c0](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([300fa23](
- **mybusinesslodging:** update the API ([5d7ee5b](
- **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([99aaab8](
- **networkmanagement:** update the API ([568ac52](
- **notebooks:** update the API ([54a6e56](
- **notebooks:** update the API ([5dedc3d](
- **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([7a9c8b0](
- **places:** update the API ([9035a56](
- **playintegrity:** update the API ([86682a9](
- **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([9e3d6fe](
- **pubsub:** update the API ([3164361](
- **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([8f175c8](
- **redis:** update the API ([c893e66](
- regenerate index files ([3136f52](
- regenerate index files ([dc214c6](
- run the generator ([#3371]( ([d3fd980](
- **run:** update the API ([5c8c879](
- **sasportal:** update the API ([a9cf649](
- **searchads360:** update the API ([ec1b88c](
- **securitycenter:** update the API ([0795694](
- **servicenetworking:** update the API ([a62a335](
- **serviceusage:** update the API ([df393c3](
- **spanner:** update the API ([19c8a5e](
- **speech:** update the API ([df1dd4f](
- **sqladmin:** update the API ([dcc2567](
- **sqladmin:** update the API ([bd12b1a](
- **storage:** update the API ([7bdec60](
- **testing:** update the API ([fb01dcd](
- **texttospeech:** update the API ([12a90cf](
- **tpu:** update the API ([b6ee2fd](
- **vmmigration:** update the API ([79663be](
- **vmwareengine:** update the API ([0707583](
- **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([158153d](
- **workstations:** update the API ([1702358](
##### Bug Fixes
- **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([4c62556](
- **androidenterprise:** update the API ([e73bea9](
- **androidenterprise:** update the API ([8565c09](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([65b65d9](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([f9d68af](
- **biglake:** update the API ([755d707](
- **bigquerydatapolicy:** update the API ([1ba82f1](
- **chat:** update the API ([0346dfe](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([286e6c7](
- **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([47c451a](
- **containeranalysis:** update the API ([7bf4c10](
- **firebasedynamiclinks:** update the API ([6f17787](
- **looker:** update the API ([f918fd8](
- **managedidentities:** update the API ([7ea644f](
- **networkservices:** update the API ([029d25c](
- **playintegrity:** update the API ([77a4bbb](
- **realtimebidding:** update the API ([551ba9a](
- **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([9e8c431](
- **recommender:** update the API ([e4f8194](
- **retail:** update the API ([943be6c](
- **testing:** update the API ([3a057bd](
- **trafficdirector:** update the API ([472bb5b](
### [`v128.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **places:** This release has breaking changes.
- **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes.
- **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes.
- **containeranalysis:** This release has breaking changes.
- **bigtableadmin:** This release has breaking changes.
- **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes.
- **beyondcorp:** This release has breaking changes.
- **appengine:** This release has breaking changes.
- **adsense:** This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
- This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **adsense:** update the API ([b9182c1](
- **aiplatform:** update the API ([c64eda9](
- **alloydb:** update the API ([df81266](
- **appengine:** update the API ([9c72d20](
- **beyondcorp:** update the API ([2e3cec5](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([98f9682](
- **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([ca5e4e5](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([09ea509](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([0fa7315](
- **compute:** update the API ([92abcb6](
- **connectors:** update the API ([859f67e](
- **containeranalysis:** update the API ([7de4be7](
- **content:** update the API ([89a74ac](
- **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([994f0f7](
- **discoveryengine:** update the API ([700c57a](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([3b2cd4d](
- **gkeonprem:** update the API ([79b5c9c](
- **healthcare:** update the API ([1b16ed7](
- **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([b0934db](
- **places:** update the API ([22793ea](
- regenerate index files ([971c4e0](
- run the generator ([#3362]( ([24846e8](
- run the generator ([#3364]( ([8a012d1](
- **storage:** update the API ([431836c](
- **workstations:** update the API ([fbbbf52](
##### Bug Fixes
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([9f25909](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([889ee6d](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([7518af9](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([7edbc0d](
- **gkebackup:** update the API ([6bc61e1](
- **iap:** update the API ([972d221](
- **logging:** update the API ([28f4df7](
- **managedidentities:** update the API ([e7f0e4d](
- **metastore:** update the API ([886136c](
- **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([dcf0d4c](
- **retail:** update the API ([a325f25](
- **vmmigration:** update the API ([82eb241](
- **workflows:** update the API ([33d0bdf](
### [`v127.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- This release has breaking changes.
- **iam:** This release has breaking changes.
- **dataproc:** This release has breaking changes.
- **connectors:** This release has breaking changes.
- **youtube:** This release has breaking changes.
- **vmmigration:** This release has breaking changes.
- **searchads360:** This release has breaking changes.
- **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes.
- **places:** This release has breaking changes.
- **paymentsresellersubscription:** This release has breaking changes.
- **osconfig:** This release has breaking changes.
- **notebooks:** This release has breaking changes.
- **mybusinessverifications:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gkeonprem:** This release has breaking changes.
- **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes.
- **firestore:** This release has breaking changes.
- **displayvideo:** This release has breaking changes.
- **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes.
- **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes.
- **compute:** This release has breaking changes.
- **cloudbilling:** This release has breaking changes.
- **checks:** This release has breaking changes.
- **assuredworkloads:** This release has breaking changes.
- **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes.
- **appengine:** This release has breaking changes.
- **analyticsadmin:** This release has breaking changes.
- **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **accessapproval:** update the API ([3887e5f](
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([f18316f](
- **admob:** update the API ([d366fa5](
- **advisorynotifications:** update the API ([69862b5](
- **aiplatform:** update the API ([c1ba635](
- **alertcenter:** update the API ([c323ec5](
- **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([c212bcf](
- **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([7d76542](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([a6d4009](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([377819b](
- **appengine:** update the API ([7150925](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([e3ac97a](
- **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([c4f607f](
- **batch:** update the API ([6b95651](
- **beyondcorp:** update the API ([d506eb3](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([55da65e](
- **billingbudgets:** update the API ([97aeef6](
- **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([88285ef](
- **chat:** update the API ([0d9d67d](
- **checks:** update the API ([6e51323](
- **chromemanagement:** update the API ([f272fb5](
- **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8ad0e35](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([6640f27](
- **cloudbilling:** update the API ([249620e](
- **cloudchannel:** update the API ([b940b40](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([a732b2c](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([60775aa](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([86d065d](
- **cloudtasks:** update the API ([abf169e](
- **composer:** update the API ([9f5baba](
- **composer:** update the API ([5014376](
- **compute:** update the API ([c0d7188](
- **connectors:** update the API ([edc8822](
- **connectors:** update the API ([aca4b52](
- **contactcenteraiplatform:** update the API ([d7abdc8](
- **containeranalysis:** update the API ([0533c16](
- **container:** update the API ([5b77c6d](http
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
[ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box
This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client (googleapis)
### [`v131.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **serviceconsumermanagement:** This release has breaking changes. - **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8429e3c]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([6d52abb]( - **customsearch:** update the API ([1169e4c]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([4b1e073]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([45b61b5]( - **oslogin:** update the API ([cfc90e7]( - **playintegrity:** update the API ([767af5f]( - regenerate index files ([4246fd1]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([a68206a]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([845c716]( - **admin:** update the API ([4664d6b]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([19b0192]( - **calendar:** update the API ([0ca9bbc]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([31158a2]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([22610b3]( - **cloudprofiler:** update the API ([2c5cbc4]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([2a811d5]( - **iap:** update the API ([ec596c1]( - **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([7181840]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([50c7dbd]( - **spanner:** update the API ([0e40d67]( ### [`v130.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **networksecurity:** This release has breaking changes. - **metastore:** This release has breaking changes. - **gmail:** This release has breaking changes. - **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes. - **drivelabels:** This release has breaking changes. - **dialogflow:** This release has breaking changes. - **datacatalog:** This release has breaking changes. - **content:** This release has breaking changes. - **connectors:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes. - **chat:** This release has breaking changes. - **batch:** This release has breaking changes. - **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. - **advisorynotifications:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([26d496e]( - **adexchangebuyer2:** update the API ([31c0066]( - **admin:** update the API ([79ce913]( - **advisorynotifications:** update the API ([0f44091]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([66739ce]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([590f835]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([25d0b67]( - **analyticshub:** update the API ([8279edf]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c6d69a0]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([6fda22c]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([41debeb]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([1018945]( - **batch:** update the API ([9ef21e0]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([f1deeab]( - **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([07ac2e7]( - **chat:** update the API ([88428f0]( - **checks:** update the API ([2d78a72]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([857a51e]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([ddf4c10]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([aecac6b]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([62d7fd6]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([c5aae9a]( - **cloudprofiler:** update the API ([2933bff]( - **cloudsupport:** update the API ([feb88b5]( - **composer:** update the API ([53b83d6]( - **compute:** update the API ([ffbf00b]( - **connectors:** update the API ([f433bd6]( - **container:** update the API ([cac432f]( - **content:** update the API ([c0dd4c0]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([a939d7e]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([9721cda]( - **dataform:** update the API ([d2bfeab]( - **datafusion:** update the API ([413c94e]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([8da4b12]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([5a60626]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([8829da4]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([567c02d]( - **dlp:** update the API ([7cbdc6a]( - **dns:** update the API ([f783244]( - **documentai:** update the API ([01cc7b5]( - **drivelabels:** update the API ([50a1b75]( - **drive:** update the API ([c07f193]( - **file:** update the API ([324d0f6]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([c8fb050]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([2a44570]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([044e086]( - **gkeonprem:** update the API ([6c9398e]( - **gmail:** update the API ([c7698bd]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([d34ee61]( - **metastore:** update the API ([6887f67]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([e890439]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([738848d]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([d8a3556]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([166232f]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([076de17]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([a08d104]( - **orgpolicy:** update the API ([5c8f8c7]( - **oslogin:** update the API ([f1475c5]( - **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([d79cf5a]( - **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([6ef5718]( - **policysimulator:** update the API ([58e6545]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([99b92fe]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([f17fac3]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([7952baa]( - **recommender:** update the API ([76b9501]( - **redis:** update the API ([fd4636b]( - regenerate index files ([33f2d78]( - **retail:** update the API ([0aa095b]( - **run:** update the API ([48a19bf]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([2459cce]( - **script:** update the API ([0520e5e]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([74c634a]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([0552119]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([429940b]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([42a1422]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([c2ad070]( - **storage:** update the API ([c0609c9]( - **translate:** update the API ([77a0522]( - **vault:** update the API ([db163fd]( - **vision:** update the API ([77a0a91]( - **vpcaccess:** update the API ([8db5275]( - **workloadmanager:** update the API ([4c49597]( - **workstations:** update the API ([174cd20]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accessapproval:** update the API ([227915d]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([b858170]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([35f8862]( - **apphub:** update the API ([e5a7c92]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([7f20317]( - **calendar:** update the API ([e6ba462]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([a5a5351]( - **classroom:** update the API ([9d2ed12]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([20a91d5]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([5155e11]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([90bab2c]( - **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([2c7b902]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([a8d66db]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([828c5d3]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([56a65a8]( - **deploymentmanager:** update the API ([b48abef]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([299cf97]( - **firebaseappdistribution:** update the API ([b102fcc]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([30ca612]( - **iam:** update the API ([4e12124]( - **iap:** update the API ([65c644e]( - **language:** update the API ([77252e1]( - **logging:** update the API ([1b4dc67]( - **mybusinessbusinessinformation:** update the API ([5e4c0fe]( - **places:** update the API ([6bbdf72]( - **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([ad18f3b]( - **privateca:** update the API ([b230959]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([0dfe961]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([a202268]( - **servicedirectory:** update the API ([ddc06a2]( - **sourcerepo:** update the API ([1965102]( - **spanner:** update the API ([ce99980]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([de59e8d]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([d6081de]( - **videointelligence:** update the API ([9d377f5]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([68a1d5f]( - **walletobjects:** update the API ([920ddc7]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([6553987]( ### [`v129.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **testing:** This release has breaking changes. - **sasportal:** This release has breaking changes. - **prod_tt_sasportal:** This release has breaking changes. - **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes. - **places:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes. - **mybusinesslodging:** This release has breaking changes. - **identitytoolkit:** This release has breaking changes. - **gkeonprem:** This release has breaking changes. - **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes. - **documentai:** This release has breaking changes. - **datastream:** This release has breaking changes. - **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigtableadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **beyondcorp:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. - This release has breaking changes. - **sqladmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **monitoring:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accessapproval:** update the API ([6707adf]( - **admin:** update the API ([c484af2]( - **admob:** update the API ([85a30b8]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([e8bc0fc]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([9d9e14d]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([64fe305]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([134dc22]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([a4be20b]( - **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([d6c01fb]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c553ef1]( - **appengine:** update the API ([8308a3e]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([8596cf4]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([307e972]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([93d43c1]( - **batch:** update the API ([049653c]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([041e014]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([2689b8b]( - **billingbudgets:** update the API ([a83496f]( - **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([58c2f27]( - **calendar:** update the API ([1678bfc]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([1414b5c]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([7516e23]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([f90c297]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([547e115]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([b537726]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([8523b8e]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([08c66db]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([7b11fee]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([fa52790]( - **compute:** update the API ([ff34fa6]( - **compute:** update the API ([dcaa0c0]( - **connectors:** update the API ([863f64f]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([8a9ad40]( - **container:** update the API ([4ea00b4]( - **content:** update the API ([9330380]( - **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([0f7b040]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([2f7ff38]( - **dataform:** update the API ([4af6170]( - **datafusion:** update the API ([409ff96]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([c590116]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([e44128d]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([9ab8a14]( - **datastream:** update the API ([79e2484]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([4c4d968]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([5ad2704]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([914320d]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([d57965b]( - **dlp:** update the API ([029d391]( - **documentai:** update the API ([26935fe]( - **domains:** update the API ([057bd85]( - **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([0e42b21]( - **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([4c400b6]( - **firestore:** update the API ([1068dd8]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([473e4e0]( - **gkeonprem:** update the API ([f47bbad]( - **gmail:** update the API ([1fe47cf]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([1abe817]( - **iam:** update the API ([39e347f]( - **identitytoolkit:** update the API ([4ee26fb]( - **logging:** update the API ([7df359a]( - **manufacturers:** update the API ([a39d751]( - **metastore:** update the API ([1a19ff2]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([57ae0b7]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([51cc57b]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([905f3c0]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([300fa23]( - **mybusinesslodging:** update the API ([5d7ee5b]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([99aaab8]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([568ac52]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([54a6e56]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([5dedc3d]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([7a9c8b0]( - **places:** update the API ([9035a56]( - **playintegrity:** update the API ([86682a9]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([9e3d6fe]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([3164361]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([8f175c8]( - **redis:** update the API ([c893e66]( - regenerate index files ([3136f52]( - regenerate index files ([dc214c6]( - run the generator ([#3371]( ([d3fd980]( - **run:** update the API ([5c8c879]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([a9cf649]( - **searchads360:** update the API ([ec1b88c]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([0795694]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([a62a335]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([df393c3]( - **spanner:** update the API ([19c8a5e]( - **speech:** update the API ([df1dd4f]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([dcc2567]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([bd12b1a]( - **storage:** update the API ([7bdec60]( - **testing:** update the API ([fb01dcd]( - **texttospeech:** update the API ([12a90cf]( - **tpu:** update the API ([b6ee2fd]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([79663be]( - **vmwareengine:** update the API ([0707583]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([158153d]( - **workstations:** update the API ([1702358]( ##### Bug Fixes - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([4c62556]( - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([e73bea9]( - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([8565c09]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([65b65d9]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([f9d68af]( - **biglake:** update the API ([755d707]( - **bigquerydatapolicy:** update the API ([1ba82f1]( - **chat:** update the API ([0346dfe]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([286e6c7]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([47c451a]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([7bf4c10]( - **firebasedynamiclinks:** update the API ([6f17787]( - **looker:** update the API ([f918fd8]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([7ea644f]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([029d25c]( - **playintegrity:** update the API ([77a4bbb]( - **realtimebidding:** update the API ([551ba9a]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([9e8c431]( - **recommender:** update the API ([e4f8194]( - **retail:** update the API ([943be6c]( - **testing:** update the API ([3a057bd]( - **trafficdirector:** update the API ([472bb5b]( ### [`v128.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **places:** This release has breaking changes. - **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes. - **containeranalysis:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigtableadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes. - **beyondcorp:** This release has breaking changes. - **appengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **adsense:** This release has breaking changes. - This release has breaking changes. - This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **adsense:** update the API ([b9182c1]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([c64eda9]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([df81266]( - **appengine:** update the API ([9c72d20]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([2e3cec5]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([98f9682]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([ca5e4e5]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([09ea509]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([0fa7315]( - **compute:** update the API ([92abcb6]( - **connectors:** update the API ([859f67e]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([7de4be7]( - **content:** update the API ([89a74ac]( - **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([994f0f7]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([700c57a]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([3b2cd4d]( - **gkeonprem:** update the API ([79b5c9c]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([1b16ed7]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([b0934db]( - **places:** update the API ([22793ea]( - regenerate index files ([971c4e0]( - run the generator ([#3362]( ([24846e8]( - run the generator ([#3364]( ([8a012d1]( - **storage:** update the API ([431836c]( - **workstations:** update the API ([fbbbf52]( ##### Bug Fixes - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([9f25909]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([889ee6d]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([7518af9]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([7edbc0d]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([6bc61e1]( - **iap:** update the API ([972d221]( - **logging:** update the API ([28f4df7]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([e7f0e4d]( - **metastore:** update the API ([886136c]( - **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([dcf0d4c]( - **retail:** update the API ([a325f25]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([82eb241]( - **workflows:** update the API ([33d0bdf]( ### [`v127.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - This release has breaking changes. - **iam:** This release has breaking changes. - **dataproc:** This release has breaking changes. - **connectors:** This release has breaking changes. - **youtube:** This release has breaking changes. - **vmmigration:** This release has breaking changes. - **searchads360:** This release has breaking changes. - **playintegrity:** This release has breaking changes. - **places:** This release has breaking changes. - **paymentsresellersubscription:** This release has breaking changes. - **osconfig:** This release has breaking changes. - **notebooks:** This release has breaking changes. - **mybusinessverifications:** This release has breaking changes. - **gkeonprem:** This release has breaking changes. - **gkehub:** This release has breaking changes. - **firestore:** This release has breaking changes. - **displayvideo:** This release has breaking changes. - **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbilling:** This release has breaking changes. - **checks:** This release has breaking changes. - **assuredworkloads:** This release has breaking changes. - **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes. - **appengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **analyticsadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accessapproval:** update the API ([3887e5f]( - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([f18316f]( - **admob:** update the API ([d366fa5]( - **advisorynotifications:** update the API ([69862b5]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([c1ba635]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([c323ec5]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([c212bcf]( - **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([7d76542]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([a6d4009]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([377819b]( - **appengine:** update the API ([7150925]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([e3ac97a]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([c4f607f]( - **batch:** update the API ([6b95651]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([d506eb3]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([55da65e]( - **billingbudgets:** update the API ([97aeef6]( - **blockchainnodeengine:** update the API ([88285ef]( - **chat:** update the API ([0d9d67d]( - **checks:** update the API ([6e51323]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([f272fb5]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8ad0e35]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([6640f27]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([249620e]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([b940b40]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([a732b2c]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([60775aa]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([86d065d]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([abf169e]( - **composer:** update the API ([9f5baba]( - **composer:** update the API ([5014376]( - **compute:** update the API ([c0d7188]( - **connectors:** update the API ([edc8822]( - **connectors:** update the API ([aca4b52]( - **contactcenteraiplatform:** update the API ([d7abdc8]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([0533c16]( - **container:** update the API ([5b77c6d](httpConfiguration
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