GoogleCloudPlatform / cloud-functions-gmail-nodejs

A demo app that processes Gmail messages with Cloud Functions
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 20 forks source link

fix(deps): update dependency googleapis to v144 #115

Open renovate-bot opened 3 months ago

renovate-bot commented 3 months ago

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
googleapis ^63.0.0 -> ^144.0.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client (googleapis) ### [`v144.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **migrationcenter:** This release has breaking changes. - **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **content:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **aiplatform:** update the API ([5608606]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([ada8fc6]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([698b77f]( - **compute:** update the API ([42c636d]( - **content:** update the API ([65db039]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([0ce260e]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([d7d6c3f]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([4767f7a]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([d42c0fd]( - regenerate index files ([2f2ab88]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([b82bcee]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([770e82d]( ##### Bug Fixes - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([9b434bb]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([725603f]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([d19c969]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([09063b6]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([158373f]( - **places:** update the API ([f9b8acb]( - **retail:** update the API ([f2c43de]( - **sheets:** update the API ([2c4f5c4]( - **workspaceevents:** update the API ([dbdb567]( ### [`v143.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **vmmigration:** This release has breaking changes. - **dialogflow:** This release has breaking changes. - **dfareporting:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **backupdr:** This release has breaking changes. - **alloydb:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accessapproval:** update the API ([cf90cc5]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([a65f1c6]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([5366254]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([39227ab]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([4a6bb6a]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([42f5614]( - **batch:** update the API ([3d92a17]( - **chat:** update the API ([24087bb]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([2f72369]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([d790478]( - **compute:** update the API ([07afb29]( - **connectors:** update the API ([e313580]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([f67b2f1]( - **container:** update the API ([c798230]( - **customsearch:** update the API ([b0db98e]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([1f67690]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([ed2ce18]( - **dfareporting:** update the API ([f690620]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([7e85135]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([a71fc00]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([64a72df]( - **firebasedynamiclinks:** update the API ([8f190a1]( - **firebaseml:** update the API ([b6ef740]( - **gkeonprem:** update the API ([c344788]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([f267f00]( - **looker:** update the API ([96cf760]( - **merchantapi:** update the API ([f9aa1e5]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([1c2cc5f]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([3c4d5be]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([08c6b8f]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([80ae519]( - **privateca:** update the API ([1601667]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([f26a373]( - **redis:** update the API ([98cd830]( - regenerate index files ([ecd017c]( - **run:** update the API ([008997a]( - **searchads360:** update the API ([44d0e72]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([e673e80]( - **solar:** update the API ([36d8685]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([fe2dacf]( - **storage:** update the API ([cae4993]( - **translate:** update the API ([841a829]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([614baa2]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([7e5f42a]( - **workflows:** update the API ([467b748]( - **workstations:** update the API ([4b60597]( - **youtube:** update the API ([3d838e7]( ##### Bug Fixes - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([90c32f5]( - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([bc97b0e]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([3702a0d]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([2aca035]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([71a65a8]( - **cloudcontrolspartner:** update the API ([5ed5388]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([ab3a2bc]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([e6d9ca4]( - **datastream:** update the API ([73a27e5]( - **dlp:** update the API ([52cf151]( - **drive:** update the API ([d1f9ef2]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([75d45d7]( - **retail:** update the API ([2179668]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([144ba15]( - **spanner:** update the API ([ccac052]( - **texttospeech:** update the API ([c9e1e37]( ### [`v142.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **run:** This release has breaking changes. - **retail:** This release has breaking changes. - **redis:** This release has breaking changes. - **ondemandscanning:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkservices:** This release has breaking changes. - **merchantapi:** This release has breaking changes. - **iam:** This release has breaking changes. - **games:** This release has breaking changes. - **firestore:** This release has breaking changes. - **firebaseml:** This release has breaking changes. - **firebaseappdistribution:** This release has breaking changes. - **file:** This release has breaking changes. - **dataplex:** This release has breaking changes. - **containeranalysis:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes. - **androidpublisher:** This release has breaking changes. - **analyticsadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **alloydb:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([781656c]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([871bcdd]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([bad964c]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([87ff45f]( - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([36ecebf]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([6be2941]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c2f3397]( - **apim:** update the API ([6255dee]( - **appengine:** update the API ([73ba053]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([972cc2a]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([27cae80]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([b615276]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([f926c3d]( - **bigquerydatapolicy:** update the API ([9ccae46]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([2bc0468]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([e4d60b1]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([121f40d]( - **certificatemanager:** update the API ([057b9bd]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([1c506b6]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([dc3327a]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([2bdaaca]( - **cloudcontrolspartner:** update the API ([27bcf4f]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([4ed8aa1]( - **clouderrorreporting:** update the API ([533205d]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([ca534ba]( - **composer:** update the API ([ede4837]( - **compute:** update the API ([91e92db]( - **connectors:** update the API ([2a34ce1]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([268ebb1]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([0701168]( - **container:** update the API ([932f143]( - **content:** update the API ([b288a2e]( - **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([c77ac78]( - **dataform:** update the API ([388813d]( - **datafusion:** update the API ([8bca4c5]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([7c055eb]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([1ef86c5]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([f622257]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([6915c82]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([8c45506]( - **dlp:** update the API ([15ef883]( - **dns:** update the API ([6443ce5]( - **docs:** update the API ([0736162]( - **documentai:** update the API ([2564050]( - **domains:** update the API ([173b9c0]( - **essentialcontacts:** update the API ([9476919]( - **file:** update the API ([7366a6c]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([f7e83d0]( - **firebaseappdistribution:** update the API ([b26b96b]( - **firebaseml:** update the API ([4e23281]( - **firestore:** update the API ([ac3d526]( - **games:** update the API ([3bffea5]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([43b15cf]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([9fc351d]( - **iam:** update the API ([83f9f25]( - **logging:** update the API ([92a6cc5]( - **manufacturers:** update the API ([ce9add6]( - **merchantapi:** update the API ([441cd11]( - **metastore:** update the API ([b99fe0a]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([aad0bed]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([8cbfaf6]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([00f2938]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([b0bb3c5]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([238ef95]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([a4725af]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([177b423]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([a99f13a]( - **playintegrity:** update the API ([53b92b7]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([4237ab0]( - **realtimebidding:** update the API ([f257e7d]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([5159cf2]( - **redis:** update the API ([0897dfe]( - regenerate index files ([3330ab2]( - **retail:** update the API ([dab474d]( - **run:** update the API ([139a179]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([6ff4ea6]( - **servicecontrol:** update the API ([8b55b29]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([1d34029]( - **sheets:** update the API ([056784e]( - **spanner:** update the API ([23ee6cd]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([e20497e]( - **storage:** update the API ([d42b431]( - **sts:** update the API ([6e5182c]( - **tagmanager:** update the API ([9a00120]( - **translate:** update the API ([a9c6028]( - **vault:** update the API ([8ffa3d0]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([5eabdc7]( - **vmwareengine:** update the API ([e3a7451]( - **walletobjects:** update the API ([9378da2]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([a436bad]( - **workloadmanager:** update the API ([09ceeaf]( - **workstations:** update the API ([2cabd9e]( ##### Bug Fixes - **acmedns:** update the API ([aa0bf10]( - **addressvalidation:** update the API ([c24f578]( - **admin:** update the API ([bcfefa5]( - **adsenseplatform:** update the API ([0103455]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([baab34e]( - **analyticshub:** update the API ([e9532e0]( - **apikeys:** update the API ([6fd74d0]( - **authorizedbuyersmarketplace:** update the API ([9e69b4c]( - **batch:** update the API ([1ead4f5]( - **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([19900d5]( - **calendar:** update the API ([3193f6b]( - **chat:** update the API ([205a16c]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([0680dd2]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([2beeb74]( - **classroom:** update the API ([954c1fd]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([0ad2e1f]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([ea38ab2]( - **config:** update the API ([70cf27d]( - **css:** update the API ([05d00ac]( - **domainsrdap:** update the API ([a20aa36]( - **doubleclickbidmanager:** update the API ([c0965f3]( - **drive:** update the API ([23195fa]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([347d47e]( - **keep:** update the API ([8c0a0be]( - **meet:** update the API ([cfbd697]( - **places:** update the API ([f607d7c]( - **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([be39375]( - **pollen:** update the API ([f387e2b]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([09af98e]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([8db81c1]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([6065c0d]( - **transcoder:** update the API ([c1833ab]( - **workflows:** update the API ([447c5f3]( ### [`v140.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **deps:** update dependency uuid to v10 ([#​3499]( ([712c2f2]( ### [`v140.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **contactcenterinsights:** This release has breaking changes. - **contactcenteraiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([4a1d591]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([c395939]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([a153fd8]( - **compute:** update the API ([8071314]( - **connectors:** update the API ([99eb514]( - **contactcenteraiplatform:** update the API ([24d15c3]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([feba7ae]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([7c43481]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([e03a113]( - **documentai:** update the API ([5f15542]( - **fcmdata:** update the API ([093cadc]( - **games:** update the API ([1d0f489]( - **iam:** update the API ([a796571]( - **identitytoolkit:** update the API ([16a4ff8]( - **policyanalyzer:** update the API ([96053d3]( - **redis:** update the API ([bef75f0]( - regenerate index files ([5112f2e]( ##### Bug Fixes - **admin:** update the API ([fdc42e4]( - **firebaseappdistribution:** update the API ([e928bdf]( - **marketingplatformadmin:** update the API ([dffd6b4]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([30e4778]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([2c38426]( ### [`v139.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **youtube:** This release has breaking changes. - **redis:** This release has breaking changes. - **orgpolicy:** This release has breaking changes. - **migrationcenter:** This release has breaking changes. - **gmail:** This release has breaking changes. - **firebaseml:** This release has breaking changes. - **dataplex:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudkms:** This release has breaking changes. - **backupdr:** This release has breaking changes. - **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes. - **analyticsadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **alloydb:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **aiplatform:** update the API ([f8bbfb0]( - **alloydb:** update the API ([74d7df5]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([c58f445]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([0d709cc]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([aebb92a]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([7b7a59e]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([cc1225e]( - **backupdr:** update the API ([99d7cd3]( - **batch:** update the API ([754dc37]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([4776e27]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([764b8b4]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([d353940]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([8ddf976]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([d7df5cf]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([ea4648c]( - **composer:** update the API ([b973cb8]( - **compute:** update the API ([3b89812]( - **connectors:** update the API ([28688f6]( - **contactcenteraiplatform:** update the API ([3d2ec02]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([a7ae38a]( - **content:** update the API ([f36f6e2]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([663287e]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([f65ce61]( - **datastream:** update the API ([b8cc0e6]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([86ecf3c]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([02437ec]( - **dlp:** update the API ([a4218e5]( - **drive:** update the API ([82c1aef]( - **fcmdata:** update the API ([4a1b444]( - **file:** update the API ([59e20b8]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([b27c80a]( - **firebaseml:** update the API ([e0ed8eb]( - **firestore:** update the API ([4cf0ea6]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([5421e28]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([ca13d15]( - **gmail:** update the API ([68cef12]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([aac166a]( - **ids:** update the API ([a45e553]( - **metastore:** update the API ([c0555e1]( - **migrationcenter:** update the API ([eea5046]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([2346e1a]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([15751e2]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([710dd33]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([865f8da]( - **orgpolicy:** update the API ([5711ec6]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([c4a42e8]( - **pagespeedonline:** update the API ([4cfbdc1]( - **places:** update the API ([ee15b8c]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([1f91904]( - **redis:** update the API ([4a3fbc5]( - regenerate index files ([0e9f93a]( - **run:** update the API ([ee8a219]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([44291b7]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([60dcea6]( - **spanner:** update the API ([b36ab02]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([7ba611c]( - **storage:** update the API ([fd1ec98]( - **tasks:** update the API ([a493ffb]( - **versionhistory:** update the API ([64d9c06]( - **walletobjects:** update the API ([9beb4ac]( - **webfonts:** update the API ([a4bfeb4]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([95cf4a7]( - **workflows:** update the API ([8975d1e]( - **workstations:** update the API ([cbba066]( - **youtube:** update the API ([2860943]( ##### Bug Fixes - **admob:** update the API ([48eced2]( - **adsense:** update the API ([6ee2a91]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([a9db9c5]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([bb98a47]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([fdbccf7]( - **calendar:** update the API ([d81ae21]( - **chat:** update the API ([ed0f102]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([84c9409]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([926643b]( - **developerconnect:** update the API ([b6eb3e0]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([0c441a6]( - **domains:** update the API ([e24433d]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([a138181]( - **fcm:** update the API ([bd19c99]( - **iam:** update the API ([9e3fd89]( - **iap:** update the API ([0fe384d]( - **marketingplatformadmin:** update the API ([e38347f]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([e515965]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([b75ecf2]( - **retail:** update the API ([e3f9c59]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([ec31b98]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([d4fb56f]( - **sheets:** update the API ([f4ea2dc]( - **sourcerepo:** update the API ([1ac4bf6]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([c05c5d8]( ### [`v137.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - run the generator ([181f2d5]( ### [`v137.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **sts:** This release has breaking changes. - **servicemanagement:** This release has breaking changes. - **discoveryengine:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigtableadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **beyondcorp:** This release has breaking changes. - **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes. - **aiplatform:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([9307046]( - **aiplatform:** update the API ([925c9eb]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([2c2b2f8]( - **beyondcorp:** update the API ([739d6c2](


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.