GoogleCloudPlatform / cloud-functions-gmail-nodejs

A demo app that processes Gmail messages with Cloud Functions
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 20 forks source link

fix(deps): update dependency googleapis to v88 - autoclosed #55

Closed renovate-bot closed 2 years ago

renovate-bot commented 3 years ago

WhiteSource Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
googleapis ^63.0.0 -> ^88.0.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client ### [`v88.2.0`](​8820-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8810googleapis-v8820-2021-09-30) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **admin:** update the API ([5d7d891]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([a27de05]( - regenerate index files ([9c6bd89]( ##### Bug Fixes - **adexchangebuyer:** update the API ([d40e760]( ### [`v87.0.0`](​8700-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8610googleapis-v8700-2021-09-16) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **dataflow:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **dataflow:** update the API ([7d6c909]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([f75c5cc]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([8a0c2c4]( - regenerate index files ([49f945c]( - **run:** update the API ([4074c76]( ##### Bug Fixes - **appengine:** update the API ([8ffd802]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([abeb116]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([ea7b0a2]( ### [`v86.1.0`](​8610-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8600googleapis-v8610-2021-09-15) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **compute:** update the API ([5a1d98c]( - **content:** update the API ([c1610af]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([35c5b29]( - **documentai:** update the API ([6a36b1e]( - **pubsublite:** update the API ([9ba5722]( - regenerate index files ([658eb91]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([8676621]( ##### Bug Fixes - **chat:** update the API ([15ded89]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([1d2d18f]( - **iam:** update the API ([9df3cbe]( - **policyanalyzer:** update the API ([e50ddb4]( - **redis:** update the API ([f586645]( ### [`v85.0.0`](​8500-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8400googleapis-v8500-2021-08-31) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **transcoder:** This release has breaking changes. - **sts:** This release has breaking changes. - **osconfig:** This release has breaking changes. - **ondemandscanning:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes. - **managedidentities:** This release has breaking changes. - **ideahub:** This release has breaking changes. - **iam:** This release has breaking changes. - **documentai:** This release has breaking changes. - **dataflow:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes. - **artifactregistry:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([67a36a9]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([15d0e98]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([22b5043]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([661008a]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([69dd758]( - **appengine:** update the API ([73797da]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([4249a7c]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([b3e4a5e]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([292a472]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([164399e]( - **chat:** update the API ([fb37e64]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([e4acbe4]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([598d82b]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([44b314e]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([122e236]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([06a4788]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([e4dd1aa]( - **composer:** update the API ([7f4dc01]( - **compute:** update the API ([365a388]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([3e18ae3]( - **container:** update the API ([39faa65]( - **content:** update the API ([d594ce4]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([0a99c38]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([b35f9ce]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([5c90a5c]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([e91d58e]( - **documentai:** update the API ([8fda61f]( - **file:** update the API ([e921f24]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([1b1c37b]( - **iam:** update the API ([e5d84f5]( - **ideahub:** update the API ([622c8a0]( - **logging:** update the API ([35540e9]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([63f65e7]( - **metastore:** update the API ([414736e]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([107078d]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([1a694fb]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([7564282]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([59d2293]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([5061c4a]( - **oslogin:** update the API ([9b845d3]( - **people:** update the API ([91443de]( - **pubsublite:** update the API ([1178e74]( - regenerate index files ([e67ca1a]( - **retail:** update the API ([45eacd6]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([84deaf4]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([755cf59]( - **slides:** update the API ([7ef8314]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([41f9e3d]( - **sts:** update the API ([b2fb940]( - **tagmanager:** update the API ([46b414f]( - **transcoder:** update the API ([919008d]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([264712a]( - **youtube:** update the API ([697b595]( ##### Bug Fixes - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([15796ba]( - **apigateway:** update the API ([68787ee]( - **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([86e9ce6]( - **billingbudgets:** update the API ([0b97998]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([8d630aa]( - **calendar:** update the API ([34af354]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([53c82ae]( - **classroom:** update the API ([d9b4382]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([8e95d48]( - **cloudiot:** update the API ([1ca468e]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([3f72c51]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([4d0c173]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([18c8d3e]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([532cc41]( - **deploymentmanager:** update the API ([add0c4d]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([36d2e23]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([4810143]( - **gameservices:** update the API ([ade4f43]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([07b8472]( - **iap:** update the API ([ab365c4]( - **memcache:** update the API ([3f7f09b]( - **ml:** update the API ([8ea1e29]( - **mybusinessbusinessinformation:** update the API ([976e4f4]( - **mybusinessverifications:** update the API ([abf8282]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([70c4996]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([abb044e]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([a7d3995]( - **policyanalyzer:** update the API ([d14aa04]( - **policysimulator:** update the API ([3f816e4]( - **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([6103503]( - **privateca:** update the API ([8b0980b]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([ece3a15]( - **redis:** update the API ([9dff6c9]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([6508d35]( - **run:** update the API ([35e9e3d]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([8ee8924]( - **servicedirectory:** update the API ([fcaa701]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([4102206]( - **spanner:** update the API ([c5433a8]( - **testing:** update the API ([41b1231]( - **tpu:** update the API ([c02fde8]( - **vault:** update the API ([f955fe9]( - **vectortile:** update the API ([1d41d0e]( - **workflows:** update the API ([8d9754f]( ### [`v84.0.0`](​8400-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8300googleapis-v8400-2021-08-06) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **sqladmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **speech:** This release has breaking changes. - **ideahub:** This release has breaking changes. - **alertcenter:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **alertcenter:** update the API ([4420d33]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([acd59ab]( - **appengine:** update the API ([4f5c4c1]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([775ddab]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([cdcfe3a]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([4e78123]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([3da6cda]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([f65fce2]( - **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([ec0ae71]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([a0744ae]( - **content:** update the API ([6446af1]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([9bc6835]( - **dns:** update the API ([594fd07]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([05d16e6]( - **fcm:** update the API ([df9cd4a]( - **file:** update the API ([6ff61d3]( - **iam:** update the API ([22468dc]( - **ideahub:** update the API ([391f011]( - **metastore:** update the API ([3a83a79]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([f19d16e]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([8b1c4d4]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([16b5c3a]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([9a59693]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([837690a]( - **recommender:** update the API ([18a2615]( - regenerate index files ([bdb8c47]( - **speech:** update the API ([5b5c4c9]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([a428580]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([128e339]( - **tagmanager:** update the API ([20a1dce]( ##### Bug Fixes - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([92ee5ff]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([cc55a61]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([79189fc]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([e56406d]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([8aaccf0]( - **composer:** update the API ([c01a0c0]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([be55afd]( - **dlp:** update the API ([3355cd7]( - **documentai:** update the API ([e7d8fe7]( - **drive:** update the API ([fc1e649]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([6eac040]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([095313d]( - **iap:** update the API ([57c2a8b]( - **jobs:** update the API ([2c5f89d]( - **logging:** update the API ([86c8b07]( - **ml:** update the API ([a4d9659]( - **mybusinessnotifications:** update the API ([7db44cb]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([26bd5d4]( - **people:** update the API ([457f19e]( - **policyanalyzer:** update the API ([a3120fb]( - **privateca:** update the API ([4b19a97]( - **remotebuildexecution:** update the API ([8dbf765]( - **run:** update the API ([06e54a1]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([1647612]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([e84feac]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([5a48659]( - **spanner:** update the API ([fe0a7cc]( - **sts:** update the API ([4b2e88a]( - **testing:** update the API ([2f1c50e]( - **transcoder:** update the API ([777a34d]( ### [`v83.0.0`](​8300-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8200googleapis-v8300-2021-07-24) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **firebasehosting:** This release has breaking changes. - **dns:** This release has breaking changes. - **chat:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([791afe3]( - **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([40c5d6e]( - **chat:** update the API ([d0ed00f]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([862d0d0]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([6708308]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([9f57398]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([445a261]( - **compute:** update the API ([a851a06]( - **container:** update the API ([639c5b3]( - **content:** update the API ([cd4cb76]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([684552c]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([3de2ec2]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([d7e76bd]( - **dns:** update the API ([049c8ca]( - **documentai:** update the API ([b130f1c]( - **file:** update the API ([18f9107]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([7b7fc1a]( - **firebasehosting:** update the API ([7ae6118]( - **firebasestorage:** update the API ([b477454]( - **gameservices:** update the API ([08e6e4d]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([ce2292e]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([a20450f]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([497d5fc]( - **memcache:** update the API ([10d8c27]( - **metastore:** update the API ([4828acc]( - **ml:** update the API ([cc9926c]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([61741ad]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([7e19c92]( - **people:** update the API ([c262625]( - **recommender:** update the API ([45ba0a0]( - regenerate index files ([abae88b]( - regenerate index files ([968e11b]( - **retail:** update the API ([4db37e7]( - **retail:** update the API ([2cd9f1b]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([52a119c]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([cdb345f]( - **slides:** update the API ([e942819]( - **spanner:** update the API ([1f806f0]( - **speech:** update the API ([f04cb3c]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([16172f4]( - **testing:** update the API ([bcb09dc]( ##### Bug Fixes - **admin:** update the API ([d46c5ea]( - **admob:** update the API ([cdee589]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([bffebaf]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([95856ab]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([61e696f]( - **calendar:** update the API ([1fa6973]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([30067aa]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([47f0c4f]( - **drive:** update the API ([ae63ae3]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([e5f51ae]( - **fcmdata:** update the API ([79a65a2]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([51b10c6]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([158f947]( - **logging:** update the API ([00cdaf9]( - **mybusinessnotifications:** update the API ([88f3ac3]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([456a332]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([b96d93f]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([238890b]( - **privateca:** update the API ([6ec663b]( - **remotebuildexecution:** update the API ([247de63]( - **remotebuildexecution:** update the API ([c4b864a]( - **reseller:** update the API ([31d1483]( - **run:** update the API ([1f98b6b]( - **servicedirectory:** update the API ([bc3496b]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([ac9bfdc]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([6d25615]( ### [`v82.0.0`](​8200-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8100googleapis-v8200-2021-07-10) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **metastore:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **composer:** update the API ([e20e215]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([5f1fc90]( - **ideahub:** update the API ([2c0d821]( - **metastore:** update the API ([4390285]( - regenerate index files ([cef2092]( - **tpu:** update the API ([f61f41e]( ##### Bug Fixes - **dataflow:** update the API ([788af70]( - **recommendationengine:** update the API ([d5cbf6b]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([b95673a]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([653aa00]( ### [`v81.0.0`](​8100-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8020googleapis-v8100-2021-07-08) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **firebasestorage:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([e30edb8]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([e9fba43]( - **docs:** update the API ([4d84c10]( - **firebasestorage:** update the API ([e2a8067]( - **metastore:** update the API ([a33430a]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([5eef4fd]( - **redis:** update the API ([2cea182]( - regenerate index files ([81d914d]( - **spanner:** update the API ([f8c1b32]( ##### Bug Fixes - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([53464e2]( - **calendar:** update the API ([a810c47]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([9899e49]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([cad65ce]( - **retail:** update the API ([8b9139d]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([fdbffee]( - **slides:** update the API ([77594fa]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([a09f4f3]( ### [`v80.2.0`](​8020-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8010googleapis-v8020-2021-07-03) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([208f744]( - **datafusion:** update the API ([274e3ad]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([341fe51]( - **firebasestorage:** update the API ([5ae6773]( - **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([8bd0290]( - regenerate index files ([12c3fea]( ##### Bug Fixes - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([0da28ed]( - **lifesciences:** update the API ([5bfe52f]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([0b63b6b]( - **redis:** update the API ([86572fb]( - **resourcesettings:** update the API ([88549f2]( ### [`v80.1.0`](​8010-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v8000googleapis-v8010-2021-07-02) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **composer:** update the API ([92c939f]( - **documentai:** update the API ([3a9a07d]( - **logging:** update the API ([98e3101]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([5f6fea0]( - regenerate index files ([625b1cb]( - **slides:** update the API ([5c23f85]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([7c3156e]( ##### Bug Fixes - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([1b0c4ec]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([f23c7ff]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([b345a79]( - **drive:** update the API ([4a9fed1]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([1c3ee52]( - **sts:** update the API ([544cd44]( ### [`v80.0.0`](​8000-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v7900googleapis-v8000-2021-06-30) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - - fix(accessapproval): update the API ##### Features - run the generator ([#​2667]( ([0e56eeb]( ### [`v79.0.0`](​7900-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v7800googleapis-v7900-2021-06-25) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **youtube:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes. - **monitoring:** This release has breaking changes. - **file:** This release has breaking changes. - **documentai:** This release has breaking changes. - **analyticsadmin:** This release has breaking changes. - **admin:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **admin:** update the API ([663ec40]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([3900be6]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([48da1a8]( - **documentai:** update the API ([e12692f]( - **file:** update the API ([ad3e658]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([ecc3339]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([bb1ec4a]( - **ideahub:** update the API ([0cb0843]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([52a0c5b]( - **ml:** update the API ([1c68f2b]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([77c862b]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([7bbe5dd]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([bb09fd9]( - **realtimebidding:** update the API ([26eed6a]( - regenerate index files ([a62d42f]( - **reseller:** update the API ([a50f22f]( - **youtube:** update the API ([536d432]( ##### Bug Fixes - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([0359d17]( - **billingbudgets:** update the API ([edc18e2]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([603a6ff]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([81db78d]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([becc64e]( - **people:** update the API ([3302216]( - **run:** update the API ([14d23b6]( - **sql:** update the API ([7503de6]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([ef76c3d]( - **vault:** update the API ([976867c]( ### [`v78.0.0`](​7800-httpswwwgithubcomgoogleapisgoogle-api-nodejs-clientcomparegoogleapis-v7700googleapis-v7800-2021-06-21) [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **memcache:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([8b234ec]( - **container:** update the API ([b2d721e]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([d5add54]( - **memcache:** update the API ([f355a8f](


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This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.