### [`v103.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- run the generator ([#2971]( ([adddf01](
### [`v102.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- update library to use Node 12
- **run:** This release has breaking changes.
- **retail:** This release has breaking changes.
- **pubsub:** This release has breaking changes.
- **networkservices:** This release has breaking changes.
- **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes.
- **managedidentities:** This release has breaking changes.
- **firestore:** This release has breaking changes.
- **file:** This release has breaking changes.
- **datastream:** This release has breaking changes.
- **compute:** This release has breaking changes.
- **chat:** This release has breaking changes.
- **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes.
- **retail:** This release has breaking changes.
- **firebaseappcheck:** This release has breaking changes.
- **datastream:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **admob:** update the API ([8ab1e70](
- **adsense:** update the API ([0cc949a](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([be1cd44](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([0095b13](
- **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([04b0ae4](
- **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([c837254](
- **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([18ee5db](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([754e918](
- **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([a626ffc](
- **certificatemanager:** update the API ([da30d64](
- **chat:** update the API ([7d92020](
- **civicinfo:** update the API ([ce252e7](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([13e6346](
- **cloudchannel:** update the API ([8084791](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([42210b2](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([e513f76](
- **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([e90a71b](
- **cloudsearch:** update the API ([f6795a1](
- **compute:** update the API ([3069492](
- **containeranalysis:** update the API ([9f2ef5a](
- **container:** update the API ([3c1384a](
- **content:** update the API ([0919741](
- **dataflow:** update the API ([28dee3f](
- **dataproc:** update the API ([87d7043](
- **datastream:** update the API ([b60c35e](
- **datastream:** update the API ([311cfa5](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([68a12bb](
- **documentai:** update the API ([1c794fd](
- **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([bcf340e](
- **drive:** update the API ([39af9d1](
- **file:** update the API ([9c7e170](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([c2c5034](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([ddc7a30](
- **firestore:** update the API ([b0473eb](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([458360d](
- **healthcare:** update the API ([37d91bd](
- **iam:** update the API ([4d232ad](
- **logging:** update the API ([4886bb2](
- **managedidentities:** update the API ([b859cf5](
- **memcache:** update the API ([0756b38](
- **metastore:** update the API ([54ca19b](
- **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([3072909](
- **networkservices:** update the API ([0e83db8](
- **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([202277e](
- **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([de201b3](
- **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([17d456c](
- **pubsub:** update the API ([9ce9ad4](
- **realtimebidding:** update the API ([8f8cf82](
- regenerate index files ([88b9cdb](
- regenerate index files ([43ae576](
- **retail:** update the API ([5a40d76](
- **retail:** update the API ([68537c4](
- **run:** update the API ([77e7a57](
- **securitycenter:** update the API ([8e9e0d7](
- **servicemanagement:** update the API ([b85dcb2](
- **servicenetworking:** update the API ([ebb9931](
- **vault:** update the API ([f09934e](
- **vmmigration:** update the API ([f8d2b32](
##### Bug Fixes
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([a56b714](
- **analyticsdata:** update the API ([26b196d](
- **analyticshub:** update the API ([dfdf161](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([3f6d9cf](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c4cf1e2](
- **apigateway:** update the API ([2ba3f5b](
- **apigeeregistry:** update the API ([2c18c2e](
- **apikeys:** update the API ([4dd6691](
- **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([e830c1d](
- **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([b843a1d](
- **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([88b8ad6](
- **calendar:** update the API ([c522ddd](
- **chromemanagement:** update the API ([c386f9d](
- **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([d2fbe21](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([6a402e6](
- **cloudbilling:** update the API ([c74adc3](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([0f383bd](
- **clouderrorreporting:** update the API ([673cb41](
- **cloudiot:** update the API ([19443d6](
- **cloudkms:** update the API ([47b32c9](
- **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([2617cfe](
- **cloudtasks:** update the API ([05f7130](
- **cloudtrace:** update the API ([d5fe501](
- **connectors:** update the API ([b6de751](
- **datacatalog:** update the API ([0e2d595](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([26b87b7](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([3563293](
- **datastore:** update the API ([82a1486](
- **deploymentmanager:** update the API ([88e7972](
- **deps:** update dependency nconf to ^0.12.0 ([051cea3](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([96f4436](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([9f774df](
- **eventarc:** update the API ([e8f4c94](
- extend timeout for test that timed out ([#2955]( ([5c5bcd9](
- **gameservices:** update the API ([1424cf8](
- **gkebackup:** update the API ([b6a0beb](
- **gkebackup:** update the API ([0a1f289](
- **iap:** update the API ([2e591a1](
- **iap:** update the API ([2cccd41](
- **licensing:** update the API ([a91f789](
- **metastore:** update the API ([000a70a](
- **ml:** update the API ([5daa014](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([a88375c](
- **mybusinessverifications:** update the API ([fcc600f](
- **networkmanagement:** update the API ([96963f3](
- **notebooks:** update the API ([30de958](
- **people:** update the API ([034b55f](
- **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([8dd4db4](
- **policysimulator:** update the API ([5b4b30b](
- **privateca:** update the API ([f0f674d](
- **recommendationengine:** update the API ([775fce4](
- **redis:** update the API ([b567d52](
- **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([ed02d14](
- **secretmanager:** update the API ([3e0c409](
- **servicecontrol:** update the API ([1d439c5](
- **servicedirectory:** update the API ([66b3885](
- **servicemanagement:** update the API ([fc95696](
- **sheets:** update the API ([0e0cd7d](
- **slides:** update the API ([8d26226](
- **sourcerepo:** update the API ([e500576](
- **spanner:** update the API ([e0349de](
- **speech:** update the API ([bc6d748](
- **sts:** update the API ([32a5ce0](
- **testing:** update the API ([b6eacf3](
- **tpu:** update the API ([34de081](
- **verifiedaccess:** update the API ([dc5e29a](
- **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([0aac8bf](
- **workflows:** update the API ([3cbd66c](
##### Build System
- update library to use Node 12 ([68fd45a](
### [`v101.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **storage:** This release has breaking changes.
- **mybusinessqanda:** This release has breaking changes.
- **memcache:** This release has breaking changes.
- **firestore:** This release has breaking changes.
- **chat:** This release has breaking changes.
- **bigqueryreservation:** This release has breaking changes.
- **apikeys:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **adsense:** update the API ([1b9a1ce](
- **apikeys:** update the API ([0550909](
- **appengine:** update the API ([3afd6a8](
- **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([7e8df97](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([30b6984](
- **chat:** update the API ([318ea6e](
- **chromemanagement:** update the API ([4860bd2](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([b0c0714](
- **cloudidentity:** update the API ([e3521e3](
- **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([ca91432](
- **composer:** update the API ([e3ddd11](
- **compute:** update the API ([82b88cb](
- **content:** update the API ([4464054](
- **dataplex:** update the API ([285cd97](
- **dataproc:** update the API ([da05b4f](
- **datastore:** update the API ([4a7e164](
- **dlp:** update the API ([674d8ab](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([d5702f5](
- **firebasedatabase:** update the API ([c68ff12](
- **firestore:** update the API ([a1f99fd](
- **forms:** update the API ([5e955b4](
- **games:** update the API ([4498445](
- **logging:** update the API ([9c3da4b](
- **memcache:** update the API ([5a10327](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([4c692cf](
- **mybusinessqanda:** update the API ([e802eae](
- regenerate index files ([2611881](
- **run:** update the API ([8c067c5](
- **securitycenter:** update the API ([636ed43](
- **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([7a746be](
- **serviceusage:** update the API ([7c436c8](
- **spanner:** update the API ([5c39acc](
- **storage:** update the API ([fd2c342](
- **vault:** update the API ([fa9fabb](
- **vmmigration:** update the API ([47b4df3](
##### Bug Fixes
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([092592e](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([ba62d74](
- **apigateway:** update the API ([116fdf5](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([33becb7](
- **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([f6176dc](
- **calendar:** update the API ([5b9cf4e](
- **certificatemanager:** update the API ([d4ace25](
- **cloudbilling:** update the API ([576f889](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([729edfe](
- **cloudiot:** update the API ([9a13cc6](
- **cloudkms:** update the API ([61c005f](
- **cloudtasks:** update the API ([b3b393b](
- **cloudtrace:** update the API ([b8bb545](
- **datastream:** update the API ([82ab5af](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([5af3d3d](
- **docs:** update the API ([4189154](
- **documentai:** update the API ([c44ee55](
- **eventarc:** update the API ([5a689bc](
- **fcmdata:** update the API ([6e6cb9d](
- **firebaserules:** update the API ([20d22bb](
- **gameservices:** update the API ([dd77001](
- give `npm pack` time to truly finish ([#2939]( ([150c9fc](
- **gkebackup:** update the API ([7189b31](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([2ee260b](
- **gmail:** update the API ([f0098dd](
- **iam:** update the API ([14ba1de](
- **lifesciences:** update the API ([29e5a39](
- **metastore:** update the API ([c33fb21](
- **networkmanagement:** update the API ([2cb847f](
- **policysimulator:** update the API ([3ae2b4a](
- **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([8ec77dc](
- **privateca:** update the API ([31d52de](
- **pubsub:** update the API ([17deee5](
- **redis:** update the API ([2686216](
- **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([371b199](
- **servicedirectory:** update the API ([4f3c754](
- **servicemanagement:** update the API ([8a5087b](
- **sourcerepo:** update the API ([13c4e9b](
- **sts:** update the API ([3bf6a7d](
- **transcoder:** update the API ([4d5bf3b](
- **translate:** update the API ([f935066](
- **workflows:** update the API ([e85f593](
### [`v100.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **recommender:** This release has breaking changes.
- **cloudsearch:** This release has breaking changes.
- **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([27219e5](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([5baadcd](
- **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([a1efc45](
- **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([92155c6](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([00f3816](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([6bbebc3](
- **cloudsearch:** update the API ([5296afa](
- **compute:** update the API ([91ac58a](
- **datastream:** update the API ([58847ee](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([26ecf70](
- **documentai:** update the API ([a30e7a5](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([0613fe3](
- **firebasedatabase:** update the API ([7ceef82](
- **healthcare:** update the API ([448c848](
- **notebooks:** update the API ([f53f95e](
- **recommender:** update the API ([11fa54b](
- regenerate index files ([05c9049](
- **retail:** update the API ([ddb95cd](
- **servicecontrol:** update the API ([9b34122](
- **sqladmin:** update the API ([6a10239](
- **storagetransfer:** update the API ([976576e](
- **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([101b5e1](
##### Bug Fixes
- **admin:** update the API ([794af8c](
- **alertcenter:** update the API ([3bcbde4](
- **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([0cd53ae](
- **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([3a2a649](
- **chromemanagement:** update the API ([c884d60](
- **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([4f38de1](
- **classroom:** update the API ([9e045c9](
- **clouddeploy:** update the API ([47f851d](
- **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([1f7fd81](
- **content:** update the API ([d6c0495](
- **datacatalog:** update the API ([d9e6b91](
- **datamigration:** update the API ([6d1d258](
- **datapipelines:** update the API ([a88f857](
- **dataproc:** update the API ([a5da831](
- **docs:** update the API ([644ab97](
- **eventarc:** update the API ([4b509a6](
- **genomics:** update the API ([1d98fce](
- **gkehub:** update the API ([dd75f6b](
- **homegraph:** update the API ([92801a6](
- **jobs:** update the API ([621646b](
- **manufacturers:** update the API ([5eee6d3](
- **ml:** update the API ([e2b13cf](
- **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([eb6513c](
- **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([6d39698](
- **osconfig:** update the API ([c42ee29](
- **oslogin:** update the API ([c1c1be2](
- **pubsublite:** update the API ([90fa939](
- **run:** update the API ([8a6b80f](
- **script:** update the API ([dadf716](
- **slides:** update the API ([4c3e931](
- **spanner:** update the API ([58cc75e](
- **testing:** update the API ([740c4c8](
### [`v99.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **content:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **containeranalysis:** update the API ([12ffee2](
- **content:** update the API ([00f0961](
- **displayvideo:** update the API ([3f9cb6c](
- **documentai:** update the API ([e6b21a4](
- **firestore:** update the API ([12379bd](
- **games:** update the API ([0844901](
- **memcache:** update the API ([8dd9c74](
- **recommender:** update the API ([4ff75fd](
- regenerate index files ([5dbfa5d](
##### Bug Fixes
- **analyticsdata:** update the API ([cc73d2b](
- **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([ea2159e](
- **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([8210c85](
- **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([4f91d72](
- **billingbudgets:** update the API ([976aa9f](
- **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([8f10f6f](
- **chat:** update the API ([a90c584](
- **classroom:** update the API ([d8a6ad4](
- **cloudasset:** update the API ([5aa2b4c](
- **cloudchannel:** update the API ([a8c08e7](
- **clouddebugger:** update the API ([e302ee7](
- **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([a9baefe](
- **cloudshell:** update the API ([3e93d43](
- **container:** update the API ([451cfca](
- **datastore:** update the API ([f9983a3](
- **dlp:** update the API ([7dff547](
- **firebasehosting:** update the API ([b01942e](
- **firebasestorage:** update the API ([f52e5f4](
- **forms:** update the API ([ebe44a6](
- **ids:** update the API ([7b85b44](
- **logging:** update the API ([ec9275b](
- **monitoring:** update the API ([a209527](
- **oslogin:** update the API ([43bd84d](
- **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([aa6c9bc](
- **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([b0aec7d](
- **run:** update the API ([7b981bf](
- **secretmanager:** update the API ([0363de6](
- **vision:** update the API ([0722623](
### [`v98.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
- **firebaseappcheck:** This release has breaking changes.
- **datafusion:** This release has breaking changes.
- **androidmanagement:** This release has breaking changes.
##### Features
- **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([c2f0c62](
- **androidmanagement:** update the API ([2746c26](
- **apikeys:** update the API ([b178d7a](
- **artifactregistry:** update the API ([513c7b6](
- **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([99b3a43](
- **bigquery:** update the API ([3ee9ddf](
- **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8e48333](
- **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([41b8f38](
- **cloudsearch:** update the API ([3dd2f8b](
- **compute:** update the API ([7bfb605](
- **container:** update the API ([4f97326](
- **datafusion:** update the API ([3f7a41c](
- **documentai:** update the API ([68c3908](
- **eventarc:** update the API ([67a815e](
- **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([b5bed5f](
- **firestore:** update the API ([e70f84a](
- **iam:** update the API ([0cb83ce](
- **iap:** update the API ([1b8f710](
- **logging:** update the API ([535ce82](
- **memcache:** update the API ([3b024da](
- **networkservices:** update the API ([39d45af](
- **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([e42e038](
- regenerate index files ([96633d1](
- **retail:** update the API ([86dcbd4](
- **sasportal:** update the API ([68f48f9](
- **spanner:** update the API ([96f0437](
- **testing:** update the API ([2570884](
- **texttospeech:** update the API ([5baae8a](
- **versionhistory:** update the API ([ffd2a9a](
- **youtube:** update the API ([d6124e4](
##### Bug Fixes
- **accessapproval:** update the API ([a07b775](
- **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([30e042e](
- **adexchangebuyer2:** update the API ([3df2359](
- **adsense:** update the API ([4b2b074](
- **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([43abc39](
- **androidpublisher:** update the API ([9c6fc9f](
- **area120tables:** update the API ([f46e40a](
- **authorizedbuyersmarketplace:** update the API ([0a6a518](
- **books:** update the API ([1fddbc0](
- **cloudbuild:** update the API ([aa29661](
- **cloudchannel:** update the API ([8f71321](
- **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([dc7d010](
- **datalabeling:** update the API ([8eaefbd](
- **dialogflow:** update the API ([a82513f](
- **essentialcontacts:** update the API ([d6f18f5](
- **factchecktools:** update the API ([961c732](
- **file:** update the API ([f551499](
- **firebaseml:** update the API ([d549b8a](
- **firebase:** update the API ([e717586](
- **licensing:** update the API ([a89a46e](
- **mybusinessaccountmanagement:** update the API ([71ce1f2](
- **mybusinessbusinessinformation:** update the API ([1b59921](
- **mybusinessplaceactions:** update the API ([6990d06](
- **mybusinessqanda:** update the API ([5564943](
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
[ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.
This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v103.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - run the generator ([#2971]( ([adddf01]( ### [`v102.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - update library to use Node 12 - **run:** This release has breaking changes. - **retail:** This release has breaking changes. - **pubsub:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkservices:** This release has breaking changes. - **networkconnectivity:** This release has breaking changes. - **managedidentities:** This release has breaking changes. - **firestore:** This release has breaking changes. - **file:** This release has breaking changes. - **datastream:** This release has breaking changes. - **compute:** This release has breaking changes. - **chat:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigquery:** This release has breaking changes. - **retail:** This release has breaking changes. - **firebaseappcheck:** This release has breaking changes. - **datastream:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **admob:** update the API ([8ab1e70]( - **adsense:** update the API ([0cc949a]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([be1cd44]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([0095b13]( - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([04b0ae4]( - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([c837254]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([18ee5db]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([754e918]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([a626ffc]( - **certificatemanager:** update the API ([da30d64]( - **chat:** update the API ([7d92020]( - **civicinfo:** update the API ([ce252e7]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([13e6346]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([8084791]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([42210b2]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([e513f76]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([e90a71b]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([f6795a1]( - **compute:** update the API ([3069492]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([9f2ef5a]( - **container:** update the API ([3c1384a]( - **content:** update the API ([0919741]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([28dee3f]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([87d7043]( - **datastream:** update the API ([b60c35e]( - **datastream:** update the API ([311cfa5]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([68a12bb]( - **documentai:** update the API ([1c794fd]( - **doubleclicksearch:** update the API ([bcf340e]( - **drive:** update the API ([39af9d1]( - **file:** update the API ([9c7e170]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([c2c5034]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([ddc7a30]( - **firestore:** update the API ([b0473eb]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([458360d]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([37d91bd]( - **iam:** update the API ([4d232ad]( - **logging:** update the API ([4886bb2]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([b859cf5]( - **memcache:** update the API ([0756b38]( - **metastore:** update the API ([54ca19b]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([3072909]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([0e83db8]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([202277e]( - **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([de201b3]( - **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([17d456c]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([9ce9ad4]( - **realtimebidding:** update the API ([8f8cf82]( - regenerate index files ([88b9cdb]( - regenerate index files ([43ae576]( - **retail:** update the API ([5a40d76]( - **retail:** update the API ([68537c4]( - **run:** update the API ([77e7a57]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([8e9e0d7]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([b85dcb2]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([ebb9931]( - **vault:** update the API ([f09934e]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([f8d2b32]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([a56b714]( - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([26b196d]( - **analyticshub:** update the API ([dfdf161]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([3f6d9cf]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([c4cf1e2]( - **apigateway:** update the API ([2ba3f5b]( - **apigeeregistry:** update the API ([2c18c2e]( - **apikeys:** update the API ([4dd6691]( - **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([e830c1d]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([b843a1d]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([88b8ad6]( - **calendar:** update the API ([c522ddd]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([c386f9d]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([d2fbe21]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([6a402e6]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([c74adc3]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([0f383bd]( - **clouderrorreporting:** update the API ([673cb41]( - **cloudiot:** update the API ([19443d6]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([47b32c9]( - **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([2617cfe]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([05f7130]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([d5fe501]( - **connectors:** update the API ([b6de751]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([0e2d595]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([26b87b7]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([3563293]( - **datastore:** update the API ([82a1486]( - **deploymentmanager:** update the API ([88e7972]( - **deps:** update dependency nconf to ^0.12.0 ([051cea3]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([96f4436]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([9f774df]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([e8f4c94]( - extend timeout for test that timed out ([#2955]( ([5c5bcd9]( - **gameservices:** update the API ([1424cf8]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([b6a0beb]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([0a1f289]( - **iap:** update the API ([2e591a1]( - **iap:** update the API ([2cccd41]( - **licensing:** update the API ([a91f789]( - **metastore:** update the API ([000a70a]( - **ml:** update the API ([5daa014]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([a88375c]( - **mybusinessverifications:** update the API ([fcc600f]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([96963f3]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([30de958]( - **people:** update the API ([034b55f]( - **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([8dd4db4]( - **policysimulator:** update the API ([5b4b30b]( - **privateca:** update the API ([f0f674d]( - **recommendationengine:** update the API ([775fce4]( - **redis:** update the API ([b567d52]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([ed02d14]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([3e0c409]( - **servicecontrol:** update the API ([1d439c5]( - **servicedirectory:** update the API ([66b3885]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([fc95696]( - **sheets:** update the API ([0e0cd7d]( - **slides:** update the API ([8d26226]( - **sourcerepo:** update the API ([e500576]( - **spanner:** update the API ([e0349de]( - **speech:** update the API ([bc6d748]( - **sts:** update the API ([32a5ce0]( - **testing:** update the API ([b6eacf3]( - **tpu:** update the API ([34de081]( - **verifiedaccess:** update the API ([dc5e29a]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([0aac8bf]( - **workflows:** update the API ([3cbd66c]( ##### Build System - update library to use Node 12 ([68fd45a]( ### [`v101.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **storage:** This release has breaking changes. - **mybusinessqanda:** This release has breaking changes. - **memcache:** This release has breaking changes. - **firestore:** This release has breaking changes. - **chat:** This release has breaking changes. - **bigqueryreservation:** This release has breaking changes. - **apikeys:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **adsense:** update the API ([1b9a1ce]( - **apikeys:** update the API ([0550909]( - **appengine:** update the API ([3afd6a8]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([7e8df97]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([30b6984]( - **chat:** update the API ([318ea6e]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([4860bd2]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([b0c0714]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([e3521e3]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([ca91432]( - **composer:** update the API ([e3ddd11]( - **compute:** update the API ([82b88cb]( - **content:** update the API ([4464054]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([285cd97]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([da05b4f]( - **datastore:** update the API ([4a7e164]( - **dlp:** update the API ([674d8ab]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([d5702f5]( - **firebasedatabase:** update the API ([c68ff12]( - **firestore:** update the API ([a1f99fd]( - **forms:** update the API ([5e955b4]( - **games:** update the API ([4498445]( - **logging:** update the API ([9c3da4b]( - **memcache:** update the API ([5a10327]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([4c692cf]( - **mybusinessqanda:** update the API ([e802eae]( - regenerate index files ([2611881]( - **run:** update the API ([8c067c5]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([636ed43]( - **serviceconsumermanagement:** update the API ([7a746be]( - **serviceusage:** update the API ([7c436c8]( - **spanner:** update the API ([5c39acc]( - **storage:** update the API ([fd2c342]( - **vault:** update the API ([fa9fabb]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([47b4df3]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([092592e]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([ba62d74]( - **apigateway:** update the API ([116fdf5]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([33becb7]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([f6176dc]( - **calendar:** update the API ([5b9cf4e]( - **certificatemanager:** update the API ([d4ace25]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([576f889]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([729edfe]( - **cloudiot:** update the API ([9a13cc6]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([61c005f]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([b3b393b]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([b8bb545]( - **datastream:** update the API ([82ab5af]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([5af3d3d]( - **docs:** update the API ([4189154]( - **documentai:** update the API ([c44ee55]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([5a689bc]( - **fcmdata:** update the API ([6e6cb9d]( - **firebaserules:** update the API ([20d22bb]( - **gameservices:** update the API ([dd77001]( - give `npm pack` time to truly finish ([#2939]( ([150c9fc]( - **gkebackup:** update the API ([7189b31]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([2ee260b]( - **gmail:** update the API ([f0098dd]( - **iam:** update the API ([14ba1de]( - **lifesciences:** update the API ([29e5a39]( - **metastore:** update the API ([c33fb21]( - **networkmanagement:** update the API ([2cb847f]( - **policysimulator:** update the API ([3ae2b4a]( - **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([8ec77dc]( - **privateca:** update the API ([31d52de]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([17deee5]( - **redis:** update the API ([2686216]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([371b199]( - **servicedirectory:** update the API ([4f3c754]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([8a5087b]( - **sourcerepo:** update the API ([13c4e9b]( - **sts:** update the API ([3bf6a7d]( - **transcoder:** update the API ([4d5bf3b]( - **translate:** update the API ([f935066]( - **workflows:** update the API ([e85f593]( ### [`v100.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **recommender:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudsearch:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([27219e5]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([5baadcd]( - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([a1efc45]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([92155c6]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([00f3816]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([6bbebc3]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([5296afa]( - **compute:** update the API ([91ac58a]( - **datastream:** update the API ([58847ee]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([26ecf70]( - **documentai:** update the API ([a30e7a5]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([0613fe3]( - **firebasedatabase:** update the API ([7ceef82]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([448c848]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([f53f95e]( - **recommender:** update the API ([11fa54b]( - regenerate index files ([05c9049]( - **retail:** update the API ([ddb95cd]( - **servicecontrol:** update the API ([9b34122]( - **sqladmin:** update the API ([6a10239]( - **storagetransfer:** update the API ([976576e]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([101b5e1]( ##### Bug Fixes - **admin:** update the API ([794af8c]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([3bcbde4]( - **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([0cd53ae]( - **bigquerydatatransfer:** update the API ([3a2a649]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([c884d60]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([4f38de1]( - **classroom:** update the API ([9e045c9]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([47f851d]( - **cloudscheduler:** update the API ([1f7fd81]( - **content:** update the API ([d6c0495]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([d9e6b91]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([6d1d258]( - **datapipelines:** update the API ([a88f857]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([a5da831]( - **docs:** update the API ([644ab97]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([4b509a6]( - **genomics:** update the API ([1d98fce]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([dd75f6b]( - **homegraph:** update the API ([92801a6]( - **jobs:** update the API ([621646b]( - **manufacturers:** update the API ([5eee6d3]( - **ml:** update the API ([e2b13cf]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([eb6513c]( - **ondemandscanning:** update the API ([6d39698]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([c42ee29]( - **oslogin:** update the API ([c1c1be2]( - **pubsublite:** update the API ([90fa939]( - **run:** update the API ([8a6b80f]( - **script:** update the API ([dadf716]( - **slides:** update the API ([4c3e931]( - **spanner:** update the API ([58cc75e]( - **testing:** update the API ([740c4c8]( ### [`v99.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **content:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([12ffee2]( - **content:** update the API ([00f0961]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([3f9cb6c]( - **documentai:** update the API ([e6b21a4]( - **firestore:** update the API ([12379bd]( - **games:** update the API ([0844901]( - **memcache:** update the API ([8dd9c74]( - **recommender:** update the API ([4ff75fd]( - regenerate index files ([5dbfa5d]( ##### Bug Fixes - **analyticsdata:** update the API ([cc73d2b]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([ea2159e]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([8210c85]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([4f91d72]( - **billingbudgets:** update the API ([976aa9f]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([8f10f6f]( - **chat:** update the API ([a90c584]( - **classroom:** update the API ([d8a6ad4]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([5aa2b4c]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([a8c08e7]( - **clouddebugger:** update the API ([e302ee7]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([a9baefe]( - **cloudshell:** update the API ([3e93d43]( - **container:** update the API ([451cfca]( - **datastore:** update the API ([f9983a3]( - **dlp:** update the API ([7dff547]( - **firebasehosting:** update the API ([b01942e]( - **firebasestorage:** update the API ([f52e5f4]( - **forms:** update the API ([ebe44a6]( - **ids:** update the API ([7b85b44]( - **logging:** update the API ([ec9275b]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([a209527]( - **oslogin:** update the API ([43bd84d]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([aa6c9bc]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([b0aec7d]( - **run:** update the API ([7b981bf]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([0363de6]( - **vision:** update the API ([0722623]( ### [`v98.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **firebaseappcheck:** This release has breaking changes. - **datafusion:** This release has breaking changes. - **androidmanagement:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([c2f0c62]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([2746c26]( - **apikeys:** update the API ([b178d7a]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([513c7b6]( - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([99b3a43]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([3ee9ddf]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([8e48333]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([41b8f38]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([3dd2f8b]( - **compute:** update the API ([7bfb605]( - **container:** update the API ([4f97326]( - **datafusion:** update the API ([3f7a41c]( - **documentai:** update the API ([68c3908]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([67a815e]( - **firebaseappcheck:** update the API ([b5bed5f]( - **firestore:** update the API ([e70f84a]( - **iam:** update the API ([0cb83ce]( - **iap:** update the API ([1b8f710]( - **logging:** update the API ([535ce82]( - **memcache:** update the API ([3b024da]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([39d45af]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([e42e038]( - regenerate index files ([96633d1]( - **retail:** update the API ([86dcbd4]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([68f48f9]( - **spanner:** update the API ([96f0437]( - **testing:** update the API ([2570884]( - **texttospeech:** update the API ([5baae8a]( - **versionhistory:** update the API ([ffd2a9a]( - **youtube:** update the API ([d6124e4]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accessapproval:** update the API ([a07b775]( - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([30e042e]( - **adexchangebuyer2:** update the API ([3df2359]( - **adsense:** update the API ([4b2b074]( - **androiddeviceprovisioning:** update the API ([43abc39]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([9c6fc9f]( - **area120tables:** update the API ([f46e40a]( - **authorizedbuyersmarketplace:** update the API ([0a6a518]( - **books:** update the API ([1fddbc0]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([aa29661]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([8f71321]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([dc7d010]( - **datalabeling:** update the API ([8eaefbd]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([a82513f]( - **essentialcontacts:** update the API ([d6f18f5]( - **factchecktools:** update the API ([961c732]( - **file:** update the API ([f551499]( - **firebaseml:** update the API ([d549b8a]( - **firebase:** update the API ([e717586]( - **licensing:** update the API ([a89a46e]( - **mybusinessaccountmanagement:** update the API ([71ce1f2]( - **mybusinessbusinessinformation:** update the API ([1b59921]( - **mybusinessplaceactions:** update the API ([6990d06]( - **mybusinessqanda:** update the API ([5564943](
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.