GoogleCloudPlatform / compute-phabricator

Scripts for managing a Phabricator server on Google's Cloud Platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Phabricator not set up to use HTTP for Diffusion-hosted repositories #6

Open dillongrove opened 8 years ago

dillongrove commented 8 years ago

There are a few additional steps needed for working with repos over HTTP, which should perhaps we added to the scripts (maybe as a config option?). Without these steps, attempting to clone via HTTP (after doing step 1) results in a confusing 500 error.

  1. The diffusion.allow-http-auth option in config must be set to true. I set this within the Phabricator Config UI, but I assume this can be done from the command line as well.
  2. An additional line must be added to /etc/sudoers file to give the www-data user access to the necessary git binaries.
www-data ALL=(phabricator-daemon) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git, /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend