GoogleCloudPlatform / dialogflow-integrations

Dialogflow integrations with multiple platforms including KIK, Skype, Spark, Twlio, Twitter and Viber
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot send message to the bot #243

Open Abhisunlife opened 2 months ago

Abhisunlife commented 2 months ago

Below are the steps followed for integrating Dialogflow with Azure bot and Microsoft Teams:- First create an Azure bot using Azure bot services. a).In the Azure Portal, navigate to Bot Services and create a new Azure Bot (b). Fill in the details of new Azure bot to generate Microsoft App ID. (c). Once deployed navigate to the Azure bot resource and click on configuration under setting. Second, create a google cloud service account for the Dialogflow webhook.
(a).Open the Google cloud console and navigate to the projects that contains the dialogflow agent. (b). Navigate to IAM & admin screen for creating service account. (c). Grant Dialogflow API client role to created service account. Next, Deploy a cloud function webhook on Google cloud. (a). Will deploy serverless webhook using Node.js and cloud functions on Google cloud. (b). Use a code editor to open .env and update the environment variables. (c). Run the command to deploy the dialogflow messaging endpoint to cloud functions. (d). Copy the webhook URL. Finally, complete Azure bot configuration and Test. (a). Copy the above webhook URL and paste it in the messaging endpoint of Azure bot. (b). Click on the test in web chat to quickly test the Azure bot service and dialogflow integration. (c). To test basic Microsoft Teams integration, click on channels and follows the prompts We have followed all the above mentioned steps and was successfully able to see the integration under Test in web chat using our PRD credentials, but when we are trying to access the bot within Teams app under Channels option we are unable to send any message to the bot.

Attcahed is the screen shot for Teams in Web Chat and Channels within Teams

Can someone help us with it? Channels within Teams Test in Web Chat

Abhisunlife commented 1 month ago

Any update on this