GoogleCloudPlatform / elixir-runtime

The community-supported runtime for Elixir on Google App Engine.
Apache License 2.0
180 stars 14 forks source link

Invalid runtime name #31

Closed AzimLord closed 4 years ago

AzimLord commented 4 years ago

Hi. Im trying to deploy using standard enviroment to use the free tier for App Engine

Below are my app.yaml

env: standard
runtime: gs://elixir-runtime/elixir.yaml
    release_app: my_app

    cloud_sql_instances: [CONNECTION-NAME]

Below are the error

Beginning deployment of service [default]...
ERROR: ( Invalid runtime name: [gs://elixir-runtime/elixir.yaml]. Must match regular expression [[a-z][a-z0-9\-]{0,29}].

But when using env: flex and env: flexible working fine Any help would be great. Thanks

dazuma commented 4 years ago

Sorry, the App Engine standard environment does not currently support Elixir. If you're looking for a serverless solution that supports Elixir and has a free tier and scale-to-zero, consider Cloud Run.