GoogleCloudPlatform / firebase-extensions

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Handling Multiple Input field name #503

Open JGSolutions opened 1 month ago

JGSolutions commented 1 month ago

[READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place?

Issues filed here should be about a feature request for a specific extension in this repository. To file a feature request that affects multiple extensions or the Firebase Extensions platform, please reach out to Firebase support directly.

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Extension name

This feature request is for extension: _Vector Search with Firestore

What feature would you like to see?

Describe the feature you would like to add, or how you'd like to see the extension change.

Can we add multiple fields with commas. Seems currently it handles only one field

As documentation says

Input field name What is the name of the field that contains the string that you want to embed?

How would you use it?

I want to perform semantic search on 3 fields: description, categories and mechanics. Also not sure what is the diff between this extension and this one:

pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

Hi @JGSolutions! Thanks for filing this feature request, we're looking into it.

Regarding your question:

Also not sure what is the diff between this extension and this one:

The firestore-semantic-search is built on top of the Vertex AI Vector Search capabilities, meanwhile firestore-vector-search is built using the new support for vector indexes in Firestore.

JGSolutions commented 1 month ago

Ok thanks for the replay

Now with genkit for firebase is released which one is better?

i14h commented 1 month ago

@JGSolutions depends on which fits your purpose. If this extensions serves you well and are happy with the functionality, it's definitely easier to just install it and let the developer team provide free updates and features. If, this extension doesn't fit your requirements, your requirements are changing, you need more advanced features or want to code the solution yourself, Genkit provides a framework + toolset to help you develop it according to your needs end to end.